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  • Itching during pregnancy. Itching stomach, chest, vagina, body. Why does the body itch in pregnant women and how to get rid of itching? The whole body itches in early pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy. Itching stomach, chest, vagina, body. Why does the body itch in pregnant women and how to get rid of itching? The whole body itches in early pregnancy

Not all complications that arise during pregnancy are signs of some serious pathology, but they can cause significant discomfort. One such phenomenon is itching of the body during pregnancy.

In fairness, it should be noted that not all expectant mothers have itchy skin. But if you notice a similar symptom, it, like any other change in your condition during pregnancy, should be discussed with an observing gynecologist.

Possible causes of itching

Why does the body itch during pregnancy? One of the most common causes of itchy skin is stretching and dry skin.

A similar phenomenon is typical for women who are rapidly gaining weight, more often it manifests itself in the second half of pregnancy. For long periods of time, when an increase in the abdomen is visible with the naked eye, almost every pregnant woman wants to scratch this prominent part of the body.

If the whole body itches during pregnancy, you should be more careful about it, since itching is a kind of signal that the increase is going too quickly and causes discomfort for the body.

In addition, itchy skin may indicate formation. It is completely harmless for the health of the mother and baby, but such skin modifications do not look very attractive.

The reasons are the same: rapid weight gain and insufficient skin elasticity, which occur when there is an insufficient amount of collagen and elastin.

To alleviate your condition, you can try a variety of stretch marks prevention products. Neoplasms of this type appear more often in the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

If stretch marks did not appear during pregnancy, this does not mean that they cannot form.

Since scarring of the skin tissue of this type can be associated not only with a sharp set, but also with a sharp weight loss.

That is why, after the birth of the baby, a young mother should pay attention to her appearance and do not forget to apply caring agents to the skin - it is much easier to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them in the future.

If itchy skin appears along with a rash in some parts of the body, a possible cause of this phenomenon may be problems in the functioning of the liver... This disorder can be diagnosed by conducting a urinalysis.

Rash and redness are more often observed on the feet and hands, the itching sensation increases in the evening hours. The disease is most susceptible to women with high cholesterol levels and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

This option is often not seriously considered by ladies who have never suffered from allergic reactions, but in vain. Indeed, during pregnancy, a fundamental restructuring of the whole organism occurs at various levels.

And if there are no other causes of itching, it makes sense to seek advice from an allergist... You can try to identify an allergen on your own, for this you need to remember all new food products, as well as the means and objects with which you have been in contact, and conduct an allergic test.

A fairly specific reason why the body may itch during pregnancy is increased sweating characteristic of the third trimester.

The likelihood that the whole thing is in skin irritation from your own sweat increases if the last months of pregnancy are in the hottest summer months, and the expectant mother leads the most active lifestyle available to her.

The best way to deal with discomfort- regular shower and selection of clothes and linen exclusively from natural fabrics with good hygroscopicity and daily, or even several times a day, a complete change of linen.

Itching of the body during pregnancy can be caused by various dermatological diseases, before which the body of the expectant mother is so vulnerable. These are fungal infections, eczema and dermatosis.

Most often, in addition to itching, the symptomatology of these diseases includes the appearance of itchy scratching on the skin, local redness of the affected area of ​​the skin, a variety of rashes of various shapes.

Only a dermatologist can confirm the presence of a skin infection and prescribe the appropriate treatment; it is quite possible that this will require laboratory tests of skin samples.

Body itching during pregnancy can also be due to serious diseases, for example or.

How to fight?

Often, before pregnancy, a woman may not be aware of serious disruptions in the work of her body and infections. Hormonal changes and other accompanying changes can become the starting point for the manifestation of symptoms of a particular disease.

That is why so biochemical analyzes are important, for which each woman will receive referrals twice for the entire time of even a normally proceeding pregnancy, and if any deviations in laboratory parameters are detected, the doctor will recommend the need for repeated tests and the timing of their implementation.

General advice for preventing itchy skin is timely personal hygiene using non-allergenic products. At the same time, in the hot season, you should not be lazy to take a shower three or even four times a day.

Same way the skin needs timely hydration and nourishment, for this it is recommended to regularly apply a moisturizing lotion or milk, and once a day (at night) a rich nourishing cream.

The choice of clothes also deserves attention - only natural fabrics and loose fit.

On rare occasions itching appears due to a stressful psychological state, try to rest more and devote time to pleasant activities. You can also try also visit a psychologist or enroll in a school for preparing expectant mothers.

You can also fight itchy skin from the inside.... To do this, you need to think over your diet and pay great attention to fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as additionally take a vitamin complex for pregnant women.

It is not difficult to increase the elasticity of the skin with the help of massage; the simplest strokes and gentle rubbing are enough.

Provides good blood flow to the skin, and, accordingly, high-quality saturation of it with nutrients. In addition, regular massage can prevent stretch marks.

Even if itching is not a concern, report your problem to your doctor as soon as possible... The discomfort that this phenomenon can cause is great, because of it, problems with sleep and rest can arise.

No matter how strong the itch, it is recommended to refrain from scratching the skin, since injuries in the form of abrasions and scratches will not only not decorate the pregnant woman, but will also intensify the itching, they can also become the gateway for serious infections.

Itching is a mild pain sensation that is transmitted through pain receptors. It is caused by mild stimuli that cannot be recognized by the nervous system. Such sensations are either localized in a certain zone, or spread throughout the body.

Itching during pregnancy can occur due to polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women, when a rash appears on the thighs and abdomen of a woman. This condition is not dangerous, so it is enough to smear the areas affected by the rashes with special ointments and creams for stretch marks. This itching usually disappears after childbirth. During pregnancy, itching can appear on any part of the skin and on the mucous membranes. It is often attributed to the growth of a woman's abdomen and appears due to stretch marks. In the fight against it, oils must be used.

Itching may also appear in the vagina. It can be caused by the increased production of vaginal secretions, and this provokes the revitalization and development of harmful fungi and microorganisms. The unpleasant itching can be caused by thrush. Genital infections are dangerous to the fetus.

Causes of itching during pregnancy

  • Stress, nervous strain. Itching for these reasons usually occurs at night.
  • Stretching of the skin due to a growing belly.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Substantial weight gain.
  • Due to dry skin caused by dehydration.
  • Changes in the hormonal background - the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, as the production of elastin and collagen in the body decreases.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Pathology of internal organs.
If a pregnant woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina and in the external genitals, it means that inflammatory processes occur in the body or infectious diseases develop. This should be alarming, as the fetus may suffer from urinary tract infections. An urgent need to be examined and treated.

In addition to infections, sexually transmitted diseases, thrush, the cause of itching is a change in the acid-base balance of the mucous membrane. It happens:

  • due to the regular wearing of synthetic underwear, thongs;
  • regular use of aromatic panty liners;
  • overheating or cooling of the pelvic organs;
  • when using antibacterial alkaline personal care products;
  • due to colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • with genital herpes, etc.
Other reasons: long-term use of antibiotics, the development of diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency in the body.
Most often, itching is localized on the back, abdomen and soles. It is important to recognize itching caused by hormonal changes in a timely manner and to distinguish it from that caused by scabies.

Often, itching is due to inflammatory or allergic reactions, when histamine, a biologically active substance that irritates nerve endings, appears in the skin of the expectant mother. It causes tissue edema, which is manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, increased blood flow to the inflamed area.
Due to the pathology of the liver and biliary tract, bilirubin and bile acids are deposited in the skin, and this also provokes itching.

This sensation during pregnancy is the body's defense response to a skin irritant. When it occurs, a scratching reflex appears, which causes cracks, scratching, redness, and inflammation on the skin. This can provoke the penetration of a secondary infection into the skin, and with it tissue edema, ulcers and cracks.

Itching symptoms may indicate the initial stage of a skin condition. If, for example, it appears on the elbows, knees, folds of the skin, this can be the first signs of eczema against the background of physiological, hormonal factors that accompany pregnancy.

All this should make a woman anxious and see a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous.

Thrush and candidiasis are common in pregnant women. Itching, burning in the genitals is one of their main manifestations. They should be treated immediately.

To temporarily eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, you can make warm baths of mint, sage, oak bark, chamomile; observe hygiene, exclude toilet soap, synthetic underwear; adjust nutrition, excluding salty, spicy, etc.

Treatment for itching during pregnancy

Therapy for itching depends on the cause. If it is poorly expressed, then the doctor advises the expectant mother to change her underwear, which should be made only of natural fabric. It is necessary to limit the use of household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics. You should use hypoallergenic products, often shower without soap, and then moisturize your skin with neutral creams.

The most important thing: the itchy place should not be combed categorically in order to avoid the intensification of unpleasant sensations, the appearance of irritation, redness.
If itching is caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist after tests and medical examination.

If the cause of itching is the failure of the liver, you should take adsorbents (activated carbon) and hepatoprotectors - drugs that restore liver function: No-shpu, Essentiale Forte, Carsil.

It is necessary to adjust the diet, if prescribed, to take antihistamines (from the middle of pregnancy).

Women, while carrying a baby, are often faced with the fact that their skin itches on the body. The unpleasant sensation intensifies at night, leading to severe nervousness and disturbed sleep in the pregnant woman. What does this condition mean, and how to treat it correctly?

Itchy skin in pregnant women

Itching on the skin during the period of gestation occurs at different times, and is distinguished by its intensity. It can arise from an insect bite or due to a serious internal pathology. Such an alarming symptom should not be overlooked and at the first manifestations, immediately consult a doctor.

Probable causes

Most often, women complain that their skin in the abdomen and chest area is very itchy. The causes of this condition are pathological, psychological and physiological factors. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


This group of provoking factors include:

  • response to allergen ingestion. Distinguish between food and household allergic reactions. In the first case, a pregnant woman has a skin rash that itches a lot. Thus, the body's response to the ingress of an external allergen (food product) into it is manifested. When using low-quality washing powders or cosmetics, a pregnant woman also develops severe itching on the skin;
  • heavy sweating. With the restructuring of the hormonal background in a woman, the function of the work of the sweat glands also changes. With insufficient personal hygiene, sweat begins to accumulate in folds, which over time begin to itch;
  • pathology of the liver and biliary tract (the most common is cholestasis). It develops against the background of surges in hormones in the body, manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also redness of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis, which develops against the background of damage to liver cells.


The main reason is the stretching of the skin due to a strong increase in the abdomen. Itching begins to appear especially clearly from the second trimester.

At this stage, there is a strong stretching of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, as a result, they itch a lot.


Dermatosis is a typical disease for pregnant women, manifested against the background of severe toxicosis. On a nervous basis, a woman develops severe itching, which intensifies at night. The pregnant woman becomes very irritable. With constant scratching, eczema and sores appear on the body. It is possible to establish the exact cause of such an unpleasant symptom only by the results of laboratory blood tests and instrumental studies.

If the body constantly itches without rashes, what does this mean?

If a similar symptom is not accompanied by the presence of a rash on the body, then the woman should not worry. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. Itching stops after the baby is born. To relieve this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe external agents for a woman.

Which doctor to seek advice from

When the first unpleasant symptom appears, you should consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment regimen is selected, based on the root cause of such a condition.


Therapeutic measures depend on the form of itching and the duration of pregnancy. In most cases, external medications are prescribed to help relieve discomfort.

In the early stages

With allergic itching in the early stages, a woman is advised to exclude the effect of a potential allergen and take antihistamines. If the reason is hormonal changes, but you just need to endure this period. To relieve an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of unwanted complications, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

At a later date

Itching in the second and third trimester, in most cases, is associated with severe stretching of the skin. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to regularly lubricate the skin with a fat baby cream.

Applications from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc.) are also considered effective. If the itching is caused by an insect bite, then you need to treat the desired area with a weak solution of baking soda.

With stagnation of bile, you can take enterosorbent (activated carbon, etc.). Any other medications are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication entails the development of unwanted complications.

With liver dysfunction, you must adhere to a strict diet that excludes spicy, fried and fatty foods. In the absence of contraindications, consume the maximum amount of liquid that helps to eliminate toxins. Delaying treatment poses a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

If the cause of severe itching on the skin is a psychological factor, then it is recommended to provide the woman with complete rest and distract as much as possible. If necessary, use soothing herbal teas and decoctions.

Itching during pregnancy occurs quite often in women. It occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body, psychological factors, allergies or internal pathology. Dysfunction of the liver or gallbladder, which is accompanied by severe itching throughout the body, is considered especially dangerous. An experienced specialist who selects an individual treatment regimen can establish the exact cause. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, exclude potential allergens from the diet and minimize nervous tension.

Useful video

Many people associate pregnancy with irritability, but sometimes expectant mothers are faced with a strong susceptibility not only of their psyche, but also of their body. Itchy skin can occur during any period of gestation. Regardless of why it appears, this symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and requires immediate action. The problem is that in pregnant women, many symptoms are eliminated using extremely gentle methods.

Why can itchy skin during pregnancy?

Itching during pregnancy can be normal. It is explained by hormonal changes in the expectant mother, which make her body an ideal "incubator" for the fetus. Estrogens produced in the female body affect the work of all its systems. The skin becomes drier and more sensitive, it reacts sensitively to any stimuli and can itch at the very beginning of gestation for completely different reasons.

With the development of pregnancy, discomfort can either increase or disappear completely. For all women, this happens in different ways: in some, the whole body itches, in others, the unpleasant sensations are localized in a certain place. Most often, pregnant women are worried about discomfort in the abdomen, chest and perineum.

In the early stages

In the 1st trimester, toxicosis is the culprit for all the troubles of the expectant mother. Due to the fact that a lot of "garbage" is thrown into the bloodstream, a woman develops itching, which is most felt in places where the epidermis is thinnest.

Another physiological reason for itchy skin is dryness. It's okay if she doesn't have breakouts.

In the first months of bearing a baby, a common cause of itchy skin is increased sweating. Under the influence of hormones, the woman begins to sweat harder than before. The skin is not used to this, so it reacts with irritation and itches where moisture accumulates: in the armpits, under the breast, in the perineum, etc.

Itching in the abdomen and chest in pregnant women in the 1st trimester is explained by the processes taking place inside the abdominal cavity and mammary glands. When a woman's nipples and the skin around them begin to itch, her breasts prepare for lactation.

If the expectant mother has cracks on her skin, her legs and arms began to itch, perhaps her body lacks vitamins A and E. Vitamin E deficiency is dangerous for the fetus, therefore it is often prescribed to pregnant women.

At a later date

The skin can itch in the later stages of bearing a baby (for more details, see the article: the stomach itches in late pregnancy). In the 3rd trimester, many expectant mothers complain of itching in the abdomen and the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks are often accompanied by very severe itching, causing discomfort to a woman.

The reason for unpleasant sensations in the last months of bearing a baby is often the weight gained by the mother. The epidermis stretches, unable to adapt to the new body size, and itches.

In the 3rd trimester, the expectant mother sometimes begins to itch the body due to nervous overstrain. In this case, the itching is not very pronounced, but manifests itself to a greater extent during the appearance of thoughts about the upcoming birth. Especially sensitive women who are very worried about how to cope in one of the most difficult moments in life should definitely take soothing teas for pregnant women. As a rule, such funds relieve itching of different localization well.

Pathological processes accompanied by itching and accompanying symptoms

In most cases, mild itching while carrying a baby is normal and goes away on its own. If the condition is accompanied by a rash on the skin, a change in body temperature and other signs, it is associated with some kind of pathology. Pathological causes of itching in the expectant mother may be as follows:

Localization of itching

Pregnant women can itch in different places depending on the cause of the discomfort. For example, the presence of fungal lesions explains why the skin of the feet itches. Hormonal changes are responsible for discomfort in the abdomen and chest during pregnancy. With varicose veins, the legs itch very often. Itching throughout the body is less common and, as a rule, is a sign of pathological processes in the body.

Diagnostic methods

To determine exactly why the expectant mother suffers from itching of various parts of the body in the early and late stages of pregnancy, the doctor needs to take a complete history of the disorder. He does a visual examination to see if the skin is showing signs of irritation.

If there are visible lesions, a scraping is taken from them. If the skin itches without rashes, additional examinations are prescribed - blood and urine tests, ultrasound of internal organs.

How to get rid of itching during pregnancy, depending on its causes?

Discomfort caused by internal illness should only be treated in a hospital. Serious disorders of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, causing itching of the body, pose a clear threat to the health of the fetus, therefore, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If itching appears as a side reaction of bearing a baby, you can use various methods to deal with it. The main thing is that they cannot harm the child.

Conservative therapy

Doctors recommend relieving the sensation of itchy skin with regular hygiene. Expectant mothers need a shower or bath at a comfortable water temperature. In no case should it be hot - this will increase the discomfort. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic products for washing. After taking a shower, it is useful to apply baby cream to the skin.

With itchy skin caused by skin diseases, a special ointment is prescribed, which relieves discomfort. For example, Fenistil Gel helps with allergies.

Many mothers who complain of itchy skin suffered from dermatological disorders even before pregnancy. They are accustomed to using certain medicated ointments and creams for treatment. To make sure that the product does not harm the baby when used during gestation, you must first consult with your gynecologist. Knowing about the tendency of your body to such reactions, the use of drugs for internal and external use should be discussed with the obstetrician at an early stage, while the disease has not worsened.

Folk remedies

Many women who are contraindicated in pharmacy ointments for itching are rescued by recipes of traditional medicine. All of them are safe for the expectant mother and quickly relieve skin irritation:

  1. Warm bath with a decoction of chamomile or string. To prepare it, you need to boil 100 g of grass in 3 liters of water, let the broth cool and pour it into the prepared bath. You should sit in such a medicinal mixture for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal compress. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure with the addition of kefir or yogurt to the flakes. It is recommended to apply a compress for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cabbage leaf. For itching, it is recommended to make lotions from a cabbage leaf soaked in apple cider vinegar. If you want to relieve the itching sensation from an area where there are cracks, the application should be done without using vinegar. Before use, the cabbage leaf must be kneaded in your hands.

Is it possible to prevent itching during pregnancy?

Preventive measures that can prevent dermatological problems during pregnancy:

>>Itchy skin in pregnant women

Intense itching of the skin during pregnancy. The body itches in pregnant women, what is the reason and how to treat it?

Severe itching all over the body during pregnancy worries many women at different times. This is an uncomfortable condition where the whole body itches a lot and can be accompanied by other skin problems such as a rash. We have already talked about some skin manifestations in expectant mothers in the article: "" and in the article: "". And now let's try to figure out why the body itches in pregnant women and what should be done about it?

Causes of itching in pregnant women

The action of female hormones. An increased level of female hormones causes many manifestations of and. Including the appearance of a rash on the skin and itching in the body.

Consequences of skin diseases. Severe itching and rashes on the skin can be the result of various conditions, such as eczema, scabies and psoriasis. Of course, these diseases can cause itching not only in pregnant women, but they cannot be excluded from the possible list of causes.

Diseases of the internal organs. Diseases of organs such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas can cause rashes and itching all over the skin of the body. This is especially common in pregnant women over 35 years old, as well as with. For example, with liver problems where bile cannot pass normally, a condition called cholestasis of pregnancy occurs. In this case, bile, which could not pass through the liver ducts, accumulates on the skin in the form of various rashes. It manifests itself in 1-2% of women in late pregnancy and requires treatment.

Allergy. An allergic reaction to anything, which can be aggravated during pregnancy, cannot be ruled out from the causes. And, as you know, one of the manifestations of allergy is the appearance of itching, the skin in some places begins to itch strongly. Allergies can be caused not only by food, but also.

Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women. This is a fairly rare phenomenon that occurs in about one out of every 200 women. It manifests itself in the last months of pregnancy and is characterized by red swelling and fairly large plaques on the skin, which most often appear on the abdomen.

Very often, polymorphic dermatosis appears in pregnant women inside stretch marks on the skin, and most of them are formed on the abdomen. After a few days, the rash can spread to the skin of the thighs, buttocks, and, in some cases, the arms. For a child, this dermatosis is not dangerous, but severe itching on the skin and the desire to constantly scratch the affected areas can become a serious inconvenience for the most patient expectant mother. If you are suddenly one of the few women who have developed polymorphic dermatosis, then do not worry and worry. It is easily treated with antihistamines and disappears after just a few days after delivery.

Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the microflora in the intestines can lead to rashes and itching on the skin, not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state.

Genital infections. If a pregnant woman feels severe itching in the vaginal area, then the cause of this may be various infections or diseases, for example, thrush.

Prurigo (prurigo) of pregnant women. This is also a fairly rare disease and it manifests itself in the appearance of a small number of small swellings, which outwardly resemble the bites of domestic bugs. They can appear on any part of the body, but most often it happens on the arms and leg. Although these swellings cause severe itching in pregnant women, thereby creating inconvenience for the woman, they do not pose a threat to the child. Pruritus can occur in any trimester, but most often it occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Itching treatment in pregnant women

Many women just try to endure if their body itches during pregnancy. Of course, itching in pregnant women is not pain, but it can often cause no less troubles. Therefore, in order to get rid of it completely, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. For example, if you have a medical condition, you need to cure it and the itching will stop. If there are no diseases, you can try to eliminate the symptoms (itching, rash, etc.).

Itching in the body and skin rash in pregnant women. How can these symptoms be eliminated?

  1. Try to avoid hot showers or baths. hot water will dry out the skin and will only increase itching.
  2. When taking a shower, use a mild soap, and after a shower, it is better not to dry your skin with a towel, but to blot it.
  3. If you use moisturizers, buy products that are free of fragrances, which can aggravate skin irritation.
  4. You can try rubbing itchy skin after a bath with a mild vinegar solution.
  5. Try an oat bran and cereal bath. You can buy them at pharmacies.
  6. During pregnancy, get yourself loose cotton clothing that does not stick to your body.
  7. Try not to overheat or leave the house unnecessarily in the heat. in extreme heat, the itching intensifies, the body of pregnant women itches even more due to the fact that she sweats more and sweat gets into the already combed wounds.
  8. If you are allergic, try antihistamines. If you know exactly what you have allergic reactions to (food, cosmetics, any clothes, etc.), then exclude the effect of the allergen on your body.
  9. Establish a diet for yourself and eliminate fried, spicy, smoked, salty and overly spicy foods with a lot of spices and seasonings from your diet.
  10. In some cases, absorbents help, the most accessible and well-known of which is activated carbon.
  11. Try to stay hydrated and drink at least 2 liters of plain water daily.
  12. Well, be sure to follow the hygiene of your skin, keep it clean, take a shower after you sweat, wash off makeup from your face in the evenings, etc.

But it should be remembered that not all. Before taking any remedy, be sure to discuss it with your doctor.

When should you tell your doctor about itchy skin?

If your body begins to itch during pregnancy and any kind of soreness appears on your skin, be sure to notify your doctor. The doctor will examine you and make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. If necessary, he can refer you to a dermatologist.

If you literally feel itching all over your body, then this is also a good reason to tell your doctor about it. This can signal liver problems, in particular, cholestasis, we talked about it earlier in the text. This sore needs to be treated because it may not be safe for your child.

Even if you do not have cholestasis, in any case, with serious manifestations of a skin rash and itching throughout the body, they will take a blood test to confirm or deny the presence of this or that disease. You may then be referred for an ultrasound to assess the baby's condition.

Video: Scabies in pregnant women. My story

Dear readers, we invite you to watch a short video in which a young mother and just a beautiful girl talks about her experience in combating scabies:

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