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Scenario for the holiday "Dedication to first graders". Holiday script Initiation to first graders material (Grade 1) on the theme Holiday initiation to first graders script for the hall

Municipal educational institution

Pribrezhnenskaya secondary school

Staromainsky district of the Ulyanovsk region

Summary of extracurricular activities

in 1st grade
"Dedication to First Graders"


Deputy Director for VR

Pogodina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Coastal 2010

Holiday "Dedication to first-graders"

Pogodina Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

Deputy Director for BP

MOU Pribrezhnenskaya secondary school
Staromainsky district of the Ulyanovsk region

Decoration: the class is decorated with balls, drawings, crafts of first-graders; children's songs are played.
Presentation (Annex 1)
Lead 1. Hello, friends! Hello guys, dear teachers, moms and dads, grandparents, guests.
Lead 2. Let the holiday "Initiation to First Graders" be considered open. To the sounds of the Russian anthem, stand still! The anthem of Russia sounds.
Lead 2. You spent a whole quarter and a half of the second at school, learned a lot and learned a lot.
Lead 1. Today we dedicate you to the real first-graders of our school.
Lead 2. But for this you will need to pass several tests, pass the so-called exam.

Lead 1. Your teacher Nadezhda Vasilyevna and your parents will help you with this.
Lead 2. But we all have high hopes for you, dear first-graders.
Lead 1. Who knows, maybe today a future cosmonaut will perform on this stage, a future poet or teacher will read a poem, a future singer or doctor will sing a song.
Readers take the stage
Student 1.
School! The best friend,
Our second home!
Here we comprehend the course of sciences
We are a friendly family.
Student 2.
I grew up by entering this house.
Here I learn to read and write.
But furtively under his desk
I continue to play with toys.
(Holds a toy.)
Student 3.
We all come with bows.
Trousers are ironed now!
Look, there are arrows.
Maybe 5, maybe 6
Student 4.
I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school.
Hooray! I'm a student! I am learning?
And here is my class.
My first class.
I studied here for a quarter.
I learned so much that, friends,
I give you my word -
From me "scientist" turned out!
Student 5.
Although we can read for a long time,
There is no time to be bored at school.
After all, we were in the first class
To teach scientifically.
Student 6.
In the class we live together, have fun.
We read, sculpt and sing.
Write poetry and rhyme
Very difficult, I must tell you.
Student 7.
Together we will try -
Time and effort is not a pity.
We will successfully overcome
Our beautiful primer.

Student 8.
Everyone in the class is busy
From call to call
It's just a pity that the change
Very short at school.
Student 9.
We get used to order.
We put the notebook correctly.
And we get up every time
When the teacher enters the class.
Student 10.
How much do we learn in school?
How many books will we read!
We are on this path
Ten more years to go!
Readers leave the stage.
The song of V. Shainsky “They teach at school” sounds. The children take their seats to the music.
Presenter: Today, our first-graders are going to have a big test. They must show ingenuity, the ability to be friends, attention, courage and dexterity. Dear first graders, don't worry, your older friends, your teacher and your parents will be next to you. The one who passes all the tests will be awarded the proud title of "Student". So, go ahead, an exciting journey awaits you. And on what we will go on a journey, you will now find out:
The brothers were equipped to visit,
clinging to each other
And rushed off on a long journey,
They just left smoke.
What is this?
Children: These are train cars.
Presenter: Now you will receive paper trailers. Draw on them yourself and the people closest to you - your family.
Children, to the music of V. Shainsky's song "Blue Carriage", complete the task, ready-made trailers are attached to the board with magnets "snake".
Presenter: The train is ready. We will be taken by a cheerful train from Romashkovo.
On the road, friends! The first stop is the Merry Meadow. Look at this wonderful tree. (The presenter draws the attention of the children to the application on the board). This is the tree of friendship. And on its leaves are the names and surnames of our first graders. I'll take a sheet of paper. Whose name and surname I will name, let him come to the blackboard and tell about himself: what he loves, what he is fond of, how he is affectionately called at home.
Children go to the blackboard and briefly talk about themselves.
Presenter: Look how many daisies are in our clearing! Among them there is the largest - the mysterious chamomile. Riddles were hidden on its petals.

4th grade students read riddles, first graders guess them.
thirty three sisters
Small growth.
If you know their secret
You will find an answer for everything.
I don't know literacy
And I've been writing all my life.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws.
And tonight
He will color the album for me.
Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
I am called...
I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.
Presenter: Guys, what do you think, when is it better to pack a portfolio - in the morning, before school or in the evening?
Children: Better in the evening, otherwise you might be late for school.
Presenter: Well done! A real student must learn to assemble a portfolio quickly and accurately. Attention, we have a game "Collect a briefcase".
Presenter: Let's compete to see who can complete the portfolio the fastest.
The game is played by three students. On the command “Start”, they collect a portfolio to the music; put into it: "ABC", a folder with notebooks, an album, a pencil case, colored pencils, plasticine. The winner is awarded. The game can be repeated.
Presenter: Children, frolic a little in a fun clearing, play with a balloon, but when the bell rings, calmly sit down in your seats.
Children move to the music.
Presenter: Well done! You heard the bell and very quickly took your seats. The journey continues. At this time, there is a knock on the door. 5th grade students enter. They have come to give you parting words and useful advice.

First student.

Wake up early in the morning
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Second student.

Train yourself to be in order
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.

Third student.

Dress neatly
To be pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.

Fourth student.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school
Do not frown in vain, be bold -
And you will find friends.

Fifth student.

Tell everyone about school
Cherish the honor of the school
Learn to write, read, count,
To get a five.

Sixth student.

That's all our advice
They are wiser and easier.
If you follow orders
Get ready for class two!

presenter : Literaturnaya station. Let's do a literary exercise. What is the missing name of the literary hero:

brownie…, dad…, old man…, uncle…, postman…, doctor…, baron…, signor…, prince…, tsar…
Children name literary heroes: Kuzya, Carlo, Hottabych, Styopa, Pechkin, Aibolit, Munchausen, Tomato, Guidon, Saltan.
It is very important for a poet to be able to choose a rhyme, for example, a stove - a candle. Let's play rhymes: mole - (raccoon, compote), red - (dangerous, terrible), fox - (beauty), duck - (joke), smile - (error), book - (bump).
Presenter: Station "Mathematics".
Math is hard
But I will say with respect:
Math needed
Everyone, without exception.
I offer very interesting tasks.
1. Birds flew across the sky: magpie, sparrow, butterfly and bumblebee. How many birds were there?
Children: Two.

2. 4 legs and 4 paws are visible from under the fence. How many living creatures are under the fence?
Children: 2 people and a dog.
3. How many girls are in your class; boys?
The children answer.
Presenter: Well done! You think well, but at school you will be taught to solve more difficult problems.
presenter : Musical station. Do you remember the favorite song of the cat Leopold from the cartoon?
Children: "If you are kind..."
Presenter: Let's sing it all together.

Presenter: You sing great, I give everyone “five”.

presenter : Station "Funny colors". Guess the riddle:
What a marvelous beauty!
painted gate
Appeared on the way!
Neither enter nor enter them.
Children: This is a rainbow.
Presenter: List the colors of the rainbow in order.
Children call, remembering the words "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting."
Presenter: Let's draw a rainbow.
First-graders take turns running out and with a wide brush draw colored arcs of the rainbow.
Teacher: Ouch! There are words on the rainbow! Let's read them.
The words were pre-drawn with a candle.
Children: Mom, sun, peace, homeland, happiness.
Teacher: What dear words. I would like to add one more thing.
Shows a sign with the inscription "School".
The school is a glorious schoolhouse,
You will be fine in it.
Step by step every year
We will begin the journey to knowledge.
Presenter: Dear first graders! You passed all the tests with honor, we dedicate you as students and accept you into our friendly school family!
Response from first graders:
Student 1:
On a sunny sunny holiday
The heart beats happily.
"Student elementary school» –
This sounds great!
Student 2:
Getting smarter and older
We will conquer all sciences.
And for the holiday this cool
We say "thank you" to everyone.

Student 3:
A loud bell will ring:
"It's time for us to go to class!"
Students across our school
The loudest shout: "Hurrah!"

First student (holds the drawn letter "SH" in his hands) .

Look at me!
That's how happy I am!
I'm already in first grade
I wear a school uniform
I study and eat on the call.
It's a pity that you have to sleep
And so far for the game
The time is not found.

Second student (with the letter "K") .

I was just a child yesterday.
There's nothing to be done here.
They called me a preschooler
And now they are called first-graders.

First student (with the letter "O") .

No, school is better than kindergarten!
I am happy to go to school.
Leaving class after class
And no quiet time!

Second student (with the letter "L") .

Now I am a student.
I write with ink.
I'm afraid to move
I sit and do not breathe.

third student (with "A") .

We are not just children now -
We are students now!
And now we have on the desks
Books, pens, diaries.

And now your teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna is splashing you with water from the “cup of knowledge”.

Presenter 1 . Attention! The right to read the oath of the students of Pribrzhnenskaya high school provided to 1st grade students. (Annex 2)

Oath of the students.

I swear to be diligent before everyone,
And go to our class regularly.
I swear! (All children repeat in unison.)

I swear that I will try hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up,
Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.
I swear!

I swear not to be afraid of the thorny road
And I swear to cherish the title of a schoolboy.
I swear!

And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
I swear!

I will always be a real child

I swear!

Lead 2 . Now you are not just schoolchildren. You are real students, first graders. Be proud of this title. In memory of this solemn day, we give you an oath that you will hang at home over your desk and a diploma that you are real students.
Oaths and diplomas are given to children under solemn music.
Leading. We hope that not only your teachers, but also your parents will help you to keep the words of the oath. (Appendix 3)
Parents of students take the stage.
Oath of parents.

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)
Always say to the child: "Well done!"
I swear!
(All parents present in the hall speak in unison.)

I swear to leave in due time,
I swear I won't be late for class.
I swear!

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",
And the thoughts of the Teacher to understand and master.
I swear!

For deuces I swear I will not scold him
And do not interfere with his homework.
I swear!

And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth,
I swear!

Then I'll be a real parent
And I will never forget my vow.
I swear!

Presenter 1. So our holiday ends.
Presenter 2. I ask everyone to stand up.
The anthem of the "Staromainsky district" sounds.
Presenter 1. The holiday "Dedication to students - first graders" is declared closed.
Presenter 2. Goodbye, friends.

Holiday script

"Dedication to First Graders"



Target: To develop in students a cognitive interest, a desire for intellectual activity.

The course of the holiday

presenter . Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

presenter . But first, let's get to know each other. I have a ball in my hands, as soon as I throw it, you must loudly - loudly shout your name. Deal? (children's answer ). Then I turn my attention.

presenter . You probably didn't eat?

Speak barely

I throw the ball again deftly,

Shout your names out loud!

Children scream their names

presenter . I've just heard,

That you were called Misha,

And the guys know you

Why was it called Galya

You must be Armand

Is your name Makpal?

Come on together, come on At once

Let's call out the name again.

presenter . Another thing! Tell me, why are you all here today? (children's answer ) . Of course, today you have a dedication to first graders. Dear Guys! Today is your solemn and important day: you have studied at school for 1 month. Just yesterday you were called children, babies, and today you have your first exam and you need to pass it with dignity. You need to show what you have learned during this time. And from today they will say about you "These are students, schoolgirls, schoolchildren and schoolgirls." The school will become your second home, you will find many new friends. In the room called the classroom, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candy. This is knowledge. Who will help you with this? (Children's answer: Teacher ).

presenter . Only schoolchildren can travel around the country of Knowledge. And who are the students? (Children who are in school)

How else can they be called? (Students)

Yes, students learn in class. You and I have to find out what a lesson is, and what lessons there are.

presenter . Well, guys, churn, shut up!

The lesson starts.

To become a student

Here's what we need to know.

You are sitting in class

Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

If you want to say

Either get out or get up

You have to hold your hand.

Wonderful! Did you remember everything?

presenter . But before you go to class, you need to collect a portfolio. Do any of you know what to take to school and what things are best left at home? Now let's check!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

presenter . So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.

presenter . textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

presenter . Well done! But to be a real first-grader, you need not only to be able to pack a portfolio and not be late for school, but also to cope with various tasks. I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders? Which subject requires different computations of logic and which is the most exact science? (children answer) Of course, mathematics. And it's time for the first test. These are math problems. You need to listen carefully and guess it. I accept the answer by raising my hand. Deal? (children's answer ).

presenter . 1 . Stumps have 5 mushrooms

And under the tree - 3. How many mushrooms will there be?

Well, look! (eight)

2. In the meadow, by the stump,

The hedgehog saw two mushrooms,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)

3. One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

presenter . Well done! You have successfully passed the first test. Guys, do you know the game is called"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" (children's answer ). Now I will teach you, I will ask you questions, and if you agree with me, answer "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!" Deal? (children's answer). Let's rehearse. Come on, shout out loud "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!". Now I see that they are ready. Begin…

The host conducts a game with the children: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Who is neat and cheerful early in the morning rushes to school?

Who always has pens, books and notebooks in order?

Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

And tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?

Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

Leading. Guys, are you ready to go to school? (children's answer ) Do you know how to behave at school?(children answer) Now we will check this. We answer "no" or "yes"! Just think first.

Leading. Can you sing songs at school?
Leading. Can you make noise at school?
Leading. Will we read at school?
Leading. And on the desk to draw?
Leading. Can you run in the hallway?
Leading. Write with chalk on the fence?
Leading. Solving equations?
Leading. Does the board have everything to answer?
Leading. Will we get doubles?
Leading. Go to physical education?
Leading. speak English?
Leading. Late to school?

The host conducts the game "Behave right"

presenter . Well done! You know how to behave at school, But tell me, are you getting ready for school? (children's answer ) Do you know the vowel sounds?(children answer ) And now we will check. Find the vowels in your name. (asks children 2 or 3 what letters they have) Now listen to me carefully and be sure to answer!

Leading. Who has the letter "A" - shouted hurray in unison!

Who has the letter "O" - well, to one and all, Shout back to me - together, fun HELLO!

Who has the letter "I" - show yourself!

Who has the letter "I" together we will sing MI-MI

Who has the letter "E" - let's say "BE" together

And now the boys and girls, too, loudly clap our hands

the host conducts the game "Vowels"

presenter . Guys, are you going to skip school? (children's answer ). After all, you need to walk in it in any weather. Can you handle it? (children's answer )

Leading. If I say RAIN - you clap your hands, as if droplets are knocking on the roof of the school.SNOW - spin like snowflakes. STORM - sit down covering your head (hands over head in the wet To) . SUN - stand on your toes and pull your arms up to the sun.

Music sounds, the host conducts the game "Seasons"

presenter . Let's see how you can count and dance. While the music is playing, you are dancing, and as soon as it stops at me, look at what number I will tell you - for as many people you are going to one team.

Music sounds, the host conducts the game "Team"

presenter . Do you guys like to watch cartoons? (children's answer ). I also watch them all the time. Now they will play songs from your favorite cartoons, whoever guesses comes out to me to play. I will accept the answer by a raised pen. Clear?(children answer ).

2 songs from the cartoon sound, whoever guesses, go to the host for the game "First Grader's Dream"

Piglet. The game is called "Dream of the first grader"Vasya and Petya had a dream that they were in space, in weightlessness. Everything scattered around the ship, and the first graders seemed to be tied to chairs. Tomorrow is school! Who will get together faster?Your task is not looking up from the chair to collect only school supplies in a backpack. Do you understand? (children answer)

Music sounds, a first grader's dream game is played.

Leading. Well done boys! Finished first graders in front of us.

presenter . Girls, what grades do you want to get at school? (children's answer ). Do you know what 5's look like? (children's answer ). Now we will check this. Those girls who will be able to guess the cartoon from his song will come out here. Deal? (children's answer )

Music sounds, the game "Pyaterochka" is held.

presenter . You must lay out a five of the ribbons. Is the task clear? (children's answer). Then let's go.

Music sounds, the game "Pyaterochka" is held

If there are parents in the hall.

Leading. I want to contact my parents. Your child went to school. How many worries and troubles have you added? (parents answer )

Leading. Here the child went to study,
School life is upon you.
Will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,
What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...

Several parents come out. The host asks a question, the participant pulls out a card with the answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will eat breakfast first?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer every day?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who is to blame if the child got a deuce?
9. Who will attend the meetings?
10. Who should take a first grader to school?

Leading. Words for congratulations are provided to your teachers.

Leading. And now the most solemn moment has come. It's time for you to take the first grader vow.

First grader's oath

I swear to everyone to try be healthy,

Go to school regularly at 17!

I swear!

And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."

I swear!

I swear that I will try hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I won't play!

I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child

I swear!

It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

Smart book to have time to read,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,

We need to toughen up more children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear!

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

I swear!

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then my promise baby

Feed daily boiled condensed milk!

I swear!

Then I'll be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear!

And so our holiday came to an end. I wish to study for 4 and 5, to remain the same inquisitive and cheerful.

The holiday of dedication to first graders is held at school 1-2 months after the start school year. For the event, an interesting scenario is being prepared in advance, which includes poetic and song numbers, spectacular presentations, funny contests and quizzes with gifts. Guest animators, teachers or parents are used as hosts. Adults play the roles of fairy tale characters or cartoon characters from favorite children's works and help 1st grade students go through an honorable initiation ceremony, take an oath and become real members of a friendly school fraternity.

Dedication to first graders - an interesting holiday scenario in verse

Initiation into first graders is a rather young tradition, but it has already taken root and has become incredibly popular in many schools. Most of all, children rejoice in it, because for them it is an additional reason to have fun, get to know classmates better and discover something new, interesting and unusual.

The game form of the event helps boys and girls get rid of shyness and excessive shyness, develops communication skills and sets them up for teamwork. In the process of conducting, children get used to being the center of attention and understand that for the sake of the success of a common cause, they need to meet each other halfway, look for compromise solutions and show respect not only for themselves, but also for those around them.

An example of a poetic script for dedication to first graders on video

The video clip below shows an example of a simple and financially cost-effective celebration of initiation into first graders. The event takes place in the classroom where the children study. The board is used to place accompanying material necessary for a visual illustration of individual children's performances. The desks in the classroom are moved towards each other to make a common table for several students. In the center of the room there is an empty space for little artists. Parents who come to the holiday are placed on the very last desks of the class. The teacher directs the program and, following the scenario plan, calls the kids to speak.

Children in pairs or 5-6 people go to the blackboard, read poems about school, lessons, teachers and classmates, talk about how interesting it is to study and how pleasant, flattering and honorable it is to be called a proud name - “first grader”.

The main feature of the script is a colorful and spectacular interactive presentation. It is included immediately after several poetic numbers, in this way giving the children a little rest and paying attention to what is happening on the screen.

Then the initiation process itself takes place. For her, the kids are built in two rows in front of each other, and the parents pin large badges to the uniforms of their children and put wide gold ribbons with the inscription "first grader" on the boys' and girls' shoulders. This moment is solemn and forces the children to focus on what is happening and become serious.

A picture with the text of the 1st grade student's oath appears on the interactive whiteboard. The teacher reads her words aloud, and the children clearly repeat each phrase after him. At the end of the event, the students and the teacher line up for a joint group photo, and then the holiday moves into an informal phase.

Modern original video scenario of the celebration of initiation into first graders with an oath

Scenario of the holiday of initiation into first-graders, built in modern style, combines a serious official part and an entertaining and educational program. To make the solemnity of the moment felt stronger, it is better to hold the event not in the classroom, where the children sit at their desks every day, but in the school assembly hall. The room must be decorated with garlands of colored balloons, welcome posters and photographs of the heroes of the occasion. To accommodate visual material, you can put portable boards near the stage. It will be convenient to attach children's drawings, applications, collages or a festive wall newspaper to them.

Official guests of honor will be representatives of local authorities, deputies, school staff responsible for educational work and patron sponsors. It is not necessary to invite too many such people. It is enough to attract 1-2 people, since the event is all the same, first of all, for children and the kids should not get bored listening to the lengthy congratulatory speeches of adults.

When all serious, solemn words are spoken, it is worth giving the guys a little warm-up. This will defuse the situation and give the kids the opportunity to demonstrate how well they remember where is right and where is left, and how easily they learned to listen to the teacher's commands.

Just before the initiation ceremony, it is appropriate to play simple games with the children, for example, invite them all to collect a school bag together. To do this, the teacher will name different objects, and the boys and girls will need to clap their hands when the “name” of a school-related thing sounds, and stomp their feet when it comes to what is not needed in the classroom in the lesson. This is a collective entertainment aimed at increasing the cohesion of the children and developing the ability to work in a team. It is appropriate to supplement the game part with other fun. It all depends on the duration of the event. However, it is also not worth delaying the holiday too much. Children should not be distracted from the main topic and get tired of the abundance of entertainment.

Oath of a first grader - the best examples of texts

The initiation ceremony itself can be built with the most different ways, but there is one element that cannot be dispensed with. This is the solemn oath of a first grader. Sometimes the teacher reads it, and the children simply repeat after him, or the class recites the previously memorized words in chorus and promises to strictly comply with the uttered obligations.

A fascinating festive scenario of initiation into first-graders with fairy-tale characters - examples on video

Fairy tale characters are a great way to turn a first-grade initiation celebration into a beautiful, almost magical children's show. Cinderella, Snow White, Pierrot, Malvina, Pinocchio, Dunno, Baba Yaga and many other favorite characters will harmoniously fit into the scenario of the event as hosts and create an unforgettable, bright and wonderful mood for all those present.

If you want to show originality, you can use more modern heroes, for example, funny Winx fairies, Spider-Man, Transformers or Batman. Advanced, developed kids will be delighted to see these famous personalities at their holiday and will be happy to show them what they have learned in 1-2 months spent at school.

Video clips of dedication to first graders with fairy-tale characters

Beautiful, touching poems on the topic of dedication to first graders - examples of texts and advice to students in grade 1

Beautiful, touching and optimistic poems must be included in the script for the celebration of initiation into first-graders. It is not necessary to choose very short pieces for this. The guys who have already studied at school for 1.5-2 months will quite cope with memorizing several rhyming couplets and without any difficulty recite them from the stage in front of classmates, teachers, parents and invited guests.

The topic of speeches, of course, should be student life and various interesting moments associated with it. Let first-graders in poetic form tell what they encountered at school, what caused difficulties, and what moments, on the contrary, turned out to be very easy, funny and enjoyable. To learn in this way about the impressions of children about their studies will be interesting for both teachers and moms and dads.

I was once a baby
Then he grew up a little
With dad and mom
I went to Kindergarten.
Now I'm a first grader
I'm carrying a briefcase, it's important
I will study and I am glad

Today is a dedication
And the first excitement
But I will try
And I won't let you down.
'Cause I'm a first grader
I'm carrying a briefcase, it's important
I will make friends at school soon.

I promise to study for "five"!
I promise to remember and know everything!
I promise to know science
And become an academician in the future!

All paths are open before us
All roads are ahead of us.
We'll be famous someday
But so far we are only first class.
And while we just need to learn
To reveal the secrets of the world
Always strive for the unknown
To make it famous.
This is all for life, for science,
For the people and for the native country.
We all study not for the sake of boredom -
We must glorify the Motherland.

Yesterday they talked about me - baby,
Sometimes called a prankster.
Today I'm already sitting at the desk,
Everyone calls me a first grader!
Serious. Diligent.
Come on, student! Primer.
Behind the page is a page.
And how many around
Wonderful books...
Great job to learn!

Tips in verse for students on the holiday of dedication to first graders

Another good option for the theme of the poem - these are tips for first graders. From such a work, you can make up a whole separate number for holiday program. It is better to involve an equal number of boys and girls with well-trained, sonorous voices and clear diction for direct participation.

Everyone should be instructed to memorize one useful advice for first graders in verse, always ending with the same phrase: “Clap your hands together if my advice is good.” It works as a unifying element and gives the room wholeness and coherence.

At the time of the performance, the boys and girls will rise to the stage and take turns reciting valuable and important school advice aloud. At the end of each verse, parents, teachers and classmates will encourage the kids from the audience with applause. This will be an excellent recognition of children's abilities and a motivator for further active participation in various creative activities of the class and school.

Don't yawn in class
Raise your hand boldly.
Just don't scream from the spot
Don't roll and don't jump.
Answer beautifully, clearly
To make it clear to everyone.

Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Know: during a break
Never stand against a wall.
Better play games
Wipe the board, chat.
Like girls and boys
Prepare books for class.

Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Don't be greedy, share
Be nice, don't fight.
Protect the weak in class
And don't get offended.
Friendship must be treasured
All live as one family.

Clap your hands together
If my advice is good.

Beautiful dedication of first-graders to readers - a holiday in the school library

Having entered the 1st grade, the kids become not only students, but also readers of the school library. And in order for the ritual of acquaintance with books to be remembered for a long time and arouse a steady desire to become an active user, it is worth holding a beautiful and informative holiday dedicated to books for young schoolchildren.

The place of organization can be an ordinary classroom and an assembly or sports hall, but the most colorful holiday will be felt in the school library. Surrounded by cabinets with bookshelves, children will become more serious and feel the importance of the moment with all their hearts. Such a presentation will awaken in first graders respect for books and the desire to read them as much as possible.

Examples of a celebration of initiation into readers for students in grade 1 on video

Initiation of first-graders into pedestrians - the best scenario with gifts and video examples

Having started going to the 1st grade, former kindergarteners become more responsible and serious. The school opens them not only knowledge and new subjects, but also the basics of behavior in the classroom, in the classroom and in the school yard. Much attention is also paid to the rules of the road, because children, frolicking at breaks, often run out onto the road, not at all thinking about their own safety. To avoid possible problems and accidents, teachers organize a thematic celebration of initiation into pedestrians for students, at which the children are told in an accessible game form how and where to cross the road correctly, which traffic signal to stand on, and which one to start moving, from which side bypass buses, trams and trolleybuses. For greater visibility, police officers are often invited to such events, who convey to students the importance of knowing the rules of the road.

In order for first-graders to consolidate the information received well, games and quizzes are included in the scenario of the event, where each child has the opportunity to demonstrate the acquired knowledge. For correct answers, children are rewarded with sweet prizes and gifts, and then everyone is given a pedestrian certificate confirming knowledge of the rules of the road.

Holiday, how first-graders are initiated into pedestrians - on video

The abstract is presented on 10 printed pages.

Poems on the board:
Let's laugh

Let's be friends,

Let's learn

And have fun!

To the song “First-grader, first-grader”, children enter the hall with the teacher and take their seats. Children, accompanied by their parents, enter the classroom. According to the balls on which the names of first-graders are written, everyone determines their place at the desk. Teacher's word. And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier ...
Teachers are waiting here
To start a new life! - Dear girls, dear boys! You have a special day today. Today you crossed the school threshold for the first time. You are first graders! And not simple, but the first first graders of the twenty-first century, the first first graders of the third millennium! We have been walking together through the Land of Knowledge for 4 whole years. I really want you and me to become friends, so that every day you come to school smart, cheerful, and most importantly - with good mood with the desire to learn something new every day! At school you will find friends, learn to be friends, help each other. I will always be with you, your teacher, your parents will be! Children's introductory remarks.
On this holiday on a September day
We will call our parents
So, it's time to start
Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

We are very happy today
To all parents, children,
We welcome guests
Dear teachers!

A month or two ago
We went to kindergarten
We played and sang a lot
We really wanted to grow up.

We are big now
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are babies.

We want to learn faster
Make friends with the alphabet!
Page to page
We'll read it in the spring!

On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: "Cozy class,
Welcome us!”

We go to school for the first time
Farewell, preschoolers!
We are in the school fraternity now
We want to join guys!

The song "What they teach at school"
Here is autumn. Hello school!
The cheerful bell rang
And you entered for the first time
In a bright and spacious classroom! What is needed here? Don't be lazy
And study hard
To know about everything in the world
And get fives.

In our class, the floor is painted,
Clean walls.
These are your dads, moms
Everything was skillfully done.

Mom washed all the windows,
Curtains are hung here.
To be bright and clean
For learning to be fun.

Bought new books
pens and notebooks,
I'll try to have in my portfolio
It was all right.

I will study with my heart
Do all tasks.
To get fives, I'll make an effort.

I will help adults
Do everything carefully
I will draw letters
I am very diligent. Rebuses.
Among the words, find those items that are needed at school:
OGTASMKTI ERASER Ritual "Initiation into first-graders".- Prepare for the ceremony of “Initiation into First Graders” for 26 children who crossed the school threshold for the first time on September 1, 2001! This rite should be performed by 5th grade students who successfully completed elementary school in 2001! (To the drum roll, 6 “priestesses of Science” appear in the class. These are fifth-grader girls in clothes that imitate the clothes of ancient Olympus, they have wreaths of leaves on their heads. They perform the ceremony.) 1. - Everyone who crossed the threshold of school No. 20 on September 1, 2001 and entered office No. 2 closer to 11 am, is considered a student of the 1st grade! (drumroll)2. - Anyone who wishes to study in this class from 2001 to 2005, step on the foot of your desk mate 3 times. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts in the next 4 years. (drumroll)3. - Everyone who wishes to gain solid knowledge over these 4 years, please his first teacher and, most importantly, be able not to upset his parents, but open his mouth, taste the elixir of attention and memory! (To the sound of the girl’s drum roll, each first-grader is given a drop of juice from a pipette on which “elixir of attention and memory” is written)4. - Everyone who has found his place at the desk and on the chair, let him not forget it. Let your hands feel the power of the balm of diligence. Whoever rubs this balm on his hands harder, he will study harder! (to the sound of the drum, the girls put a strip of chalk on the hands of first-graders; they try to rub this chalk with their palms) 5. - Everyone who wants to avoid failures, let him hear the order of his ancestors, let him remember what he considers necessary once and for all, and let the rest fly into one ear and fly out into the other immediately! (drumroll) Instructions from parents to first graders. 6. - Everyone who on September 1, 2001 brought at least one first-grader to school No. 20, is considered his parent. Yes, let your patience not run out, let your energy flare up, let your fantasy develop! (drumroll) Teacher's message to parents. It's hard to raise your children. There is a lot to know for this.
I want to wish parents: always help children in everything,
Gather the child to school in the morning, give good parting words in time,
Have time to read a smart book, and don’t forget to take a walk on the weekend,
Meetings are also attended by everyone, the school (as far as possible) to help;
To avoid all diseases, it is necessary to temper the kids!
And if you have to cry from school, let my gift unfold immediately ...
This gift, look, with a secret: my phones are on a handkerchief on this one,
Dial any number as soon as possible, solve any questions with me! (The teacher gives parents handkerchiefs, on which is a piece of paper with the teacher's phone numbers: home and work) Word to parents. Parents ask the teacher some humorous questions from Russian fairy tales and hand symbolic gifts: gingerbread, twig, bag with the inscription “pood of salt”. Final word from the teacher. So our ritual is over. You have become students, schoolchildren. And in confirmation of this, I want to give you your first school document “First Grader Certificate”. (Each first-grader receives a personal certificate). The school is a glorious, kind house, It will be good for us in it. Every year, we will begin the journey to knowledge. You must pronounce the first grader's oath. The oath of all first-graders of the Kayali school. I ask everyone to repeat the word “I swear.”1 I came to this new world of my own free will. Now, in front of everyone and forever, I make a promise. 2. I swear to pass the test with dignity. I swear! 3. I swear I will find friends here and make an effort. I swear! 4. I swear to love teachers! I swear! 5. And live in peace with the whole world! I swear! 6. I swear not to be lazy for an hour, And study with pleasure! Accept first-grader certificates from us. Vedas: And now I will read the Order They perform a song from the t / f “Quiet threesomes” “Song of Friendship”(words by V. Pototsky, music by V. Ivanov). You, me, and we...
You, me, and we...
It's good to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces
The earth would probably collapse. (2 times)

You, me, and we...
You, me, and we...
We will go around the Earth, then we will wave to Mars.
Maybe by the Orange River
There are already sad little men,
Because we've been gone too long. (2 times)

You, me, and we...
You, me, and we...
No one will ever separate us,
Even if we break up
The friendship still remains.
Friendship with us remains forever. (2 times)

“We divide everything in half” (words by I. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).
As friends should
We divide everything in half:
And raindrops, and snowflakes -
Half, half, half.
As friends should
We divide everything in half:
And chuckles, and tears -
Half, half, half.
As friends should
We divide everything in half:
Adventures, sorrows -
Half, half, half.
As friends should
We divide everything in half:
We even share the song honestly -
Half, half, half. Teacher: Now, guys, you are full students of our school. I hope you will remember this day for a long time.

Response from first graders:
On a sunny, cheerful holiday
The heart beats happily.
"Primary School Student"
This sounds great!

Getting smarter and older
We will conquer all sciences.
And for the holiday this cool
We say thank you to everyone.

I was just a child yesterday
There's nothing to be done here.
They called me a preschooler
And now they are called first-graders.

No, school is better than kindergarten!
I am happy to go to school.
Leaving class after class
And no quiet time!

Now I am a student.
I write with ink.
I'm afraid to move
I sit and do not breathe.

We're not just kids anymore
We are students now!
And now we have on the desks
Books, pens, diaries.

I won't be lazy
I will succeed in everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

Now life is different
Will come to me.
Oh dear mother!
What an adult I am!

Our first very best
Ring, ring, call!
Go home, moms!
It's time for our lesson!

Host: Guys, congratulations! But today we have to celebrate one more event - the birthday of our class! Tell me, without which there is no birthday?
Children's answers. Among them is the answer: cake.
Presenter: Now let's bake a birthday cake. Game "Cake"
All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If there are few children, involve adults. Leading in front of all, Atamansha behind. On command, the children begin to “bake the cake”: The host turns around herself, winding the whole chain. The presenter spins until a big “cake” is obtained. The condition is not to unhook your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the leader, you should stop. During the game, the melody of the song of the crocodile Gena sounds.
Presenter: That's how the cake turned out! (asks children) Why do we have it?
Children's answers: With a banana, with jam, with cream, with strawberries, apples ...
Host: What is missing? birthday cake?
Children: Svechek.
Host: Right! Raised all hands up. That's how many candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
Children run in different directions.
Presenter: Guys, what do we wish our class?
Children's answers.
Presenter: And now, in honor of two significant events, we will arrange fireworks!
The song “By the road of goodness” sounds, with shouts of “Hurrah!” children toss balloons up.
Photo for memory. Tea drinking.
All competitions were held under cheerful music. Children and parents were very pleased. The whole party lasted just over an hour.
All the best to you!
COMPETITIONS Game "Collect the word".
Pictures of sea animals are hung on the walls, children collect them and make up the word A-Z-B-U-K-A. Let's play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." I will ask you, and you will answer in chorus: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”. Be careful, there may be a trap.
The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."
Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
- Which of you, say aloud, catches flies at the lesson?
— …
- Who is not afraid of frost, flies like a bird on skates?
— …
- Which of you, when you grow up, will only go to astronauts?
— …
- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
— …
- Which of you, so good, went sunbathing in galoshes?
— …
Who does their homework on time?
— …
- Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
— …
“Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?”
— …
- Which of you walks on the pavement upside down?
— …
“Which one of you, I want to know, has five diligence?”
— …
How many of you come to class an hour late?
— …
- Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?
— …
- And tell me, guys, who does exercises in the morning?
— …
Professor: Well done guys! You were attentive. Now help me open the magic chest. To do this, you need to correctly guess all my riddles!
Children guess riddles, and the professor gradually takes out school supplies in 2 copies from the chest. and laid out on two tables.
Second task. "Magic chest". (the author of the riddles is Natalya Ivanova)

1. You are a colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful…
2. I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today
I have…
3. I'm big, I'm a student!
In my bag I have...
4. The line is straight, come on,
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here…
5. And every student understands
What I really need...
6. I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course, I -. ..
(pencil case)
7. Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

1. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
Because I ... (notebook)
2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,
With stuffing in the middle.
I am friends with a sharp sharpener,
And what I want, I will draw. (pencil)
3. How boring, brothers,
On your back you ride,
You don't respect
Somehow you throw
Week after week...
This is a complaint ... (portfolio)
4. He helps the teacher,
He orders strictly:
So sit down and study
So get up, go away
Gathering for a lesson
Teacher's friend ... (call)
5. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (pencil case)
6. I love directness,
And she's straight.
Make a straight line
I help people. (ruler)

7. Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world. (numbers)
Professor: Well done guys! You know that a real student must learn how to assemble a portfolio quickly and accurately. Now we are going to practice with you.
The game "Collect a portfolio."
The game is played by three students. On command, they assemble a briefcase to the music: they put a pencil case, plasticine, a ruler, etc. into it. Who is faster?
Professor: I see that you know how to assemble a portfolio. In the morning you have to get up early for school, but you really want to lie down for an extra minute ... And then, in order not to be late for the lesson, you have to run to school ... Here's the third task for you: run around the chair with a satchel, pass it to another, etc.
Children perform the task of the professor.
Professor: And you know how to pack a briefcase, and you run well, and you know a lot, but a real schoolboy must be able to behave correctly, be polite and know all the magic words. I will now check if all of you know what it means to be polite!
Courtesy Contest.
Even ice blocks melt
From the word warm ...
(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears...
(good day)

The child is polite and developed
He says when he meets...

When we are scolded for pranks
We say: I'm sorry...

Both France and Denmark
Saying goodbye...

Professor: Well done guys! You have completed my assignments. I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and given the proud title of FIRST GRADE. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronunciation of the oath of the first grader, after which you will become members of a large and friendly school family!
The teacher reads the oath. The children repeat each line in unison.

The oath of the first grader is read standing. Madam science reads the lines of the oath, and the children and Dunno repeat the word "we swear."

The oath given on September 25, 2009 at the great action
initiations to first-graders in the Kayala SO school.

We are first graders
Girls, boys.
We swear to be obedient
Cheerful, boring.

Help mom and dad
Don't offend kids
Always be diligent
And our friendship is true.
Discover the world of knowledge
To serve the Motherland!

Student #1:
Look at me!

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