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  • Alexander litvinov is an official psychic. Alexander Litvin: “Energy failure is the cornerstone of any disease. And what can be said about folk traditions and signs

Alexander litvinov is an official psychic. Alexander Litvin: “Energy failure is the cornerstone of any disease. And what can be said about folk traditions and signs

- Alexander, is it true that any person can potentially become a psychic?

I do not position myself as a psychic and I talk about it all the time. But they probably cannot think of another word. I just have high level intuition. In fact, not everyone can achieve hypersensitivity. In general, about 80% of the population have intuition, while women are more endowed with it than men. But 20% are absolutely devoid of intuitive capabilities and live exclusively here and now.

- In your opinion, is a person the master of his own destiny?

We have points of multivariance of events and the right to make decisions, and there are those when we cannot change the direction of movement. That is, you need to periodically catch such moments when the understanding that your future life depends on your choice is of tremendous importance. In other words, I can say that at some point we exclusively own the situation and are the masters of our life, and at some moment we lose this function. And this cyclicality is expressed throughout our life.

- And what can you say about folk traditions and signs?

There are a lot of interesting things here. According to Russian tradition, it is customary to give compote or jelly during the funeral feast. Have you ever wondered why such drinks? Because their effect is akin to that of valerian - they are soothing. And I don't use this, because our anxiety is always based on intuition. And the more we eat foods that reduce the level of anxiety (and these, for example, include raisins, dried apricots, prunes, compote from these berries, chocolate, chocolate ice cream, tiramisu - in general, all derived cocoa beans and all types of nuts ), the more all this reduces our anxiety. But at the same time, intuition also disappears. And we find ourselves in the "position of the ostrich" - that is. the danger may remain, but we do not feel it, do not notice it, and we are comfortable.

They say that it is worth thinking about the disease, as it will bother you. How are our diseases manifested psychological problems?

In general, an energy failure is the cornerstone of any disease. Around us great amount microbes, but not everyone gets sick. However, some people, when they find themselves in a situation unusual for themselves, still get sick.

But there are still a huge number of autoimmune diseases. This is when the body produces certain substances that come into conflict. The bulk of this kind of disease as such has no etiology. Doctors shrug their shoulders and say that the cause is unknown. Autoimmune processes are just an internal process when a person has 2 mutually exclusive vectors in his energy. Self-destruction in this case is inherent in the beginning. And in this situation, modern medicine has an extremely difficult time due to a lack of knowledge.

- What could you say about the energy of money?

The energy of money is an interesting thing. For some, money is a degree of freedom. But in the energy of money there is another component - this is the energy of power. If a person has little money, he has a rather low power component. And if he has a lot of money, then it is high. Believe me, the most terrible test is the test of power. And money provokes this test. In addition, money can seriously increase anxiety levels, as it is always the object of someone's hunt. But when they tell me that a person who never had any special means suddenly had a lot of money, and on the basis of this the tower was demolished, I answer - nothing of the kind! It's just that money has one more property - to act as a searchlight. That is, the person did not have a flashlight, no one saw his dark side. He got a flashlight - everyone could see what he really is. When there is money, there is a desire to exercise power. Few of those people who make good money and have achieved serious success do not rush to power. From the point of view of the layman, a person strives for power in order to save money. In fact, no, for him power is already an end in itself, not money.

- Things also have energy. Are there any things that cannot be gifted?

This is all individual. We all love things that make us stronger. And if we are presented with some kind of unbalanced thing, of course, it will cause discomfort. As for, say, flowers, I never give flowers and never take them as a gift.

Human relationships are one of the most important aspects of human life. In the family circle, at work, in society as a whole - everywhere we are connected by threads and bridges of relations. Why do some of them bring joy, harmony and comfort, while others bring many problems? Alexander Litvin, winner of the sixth season of the "Battle of Psychics", claims that in addition to the well-known psychological moments that affect relations between people, there are other laws - energetic.


Alexander, what is, from your point of view, relations between people?

A.L. These are, first of all, energy interactions. Each person is born with a certain set of energies - metal, water, wood, fire, earth (this classification is convenient for me, since it most accurately defines the essence of these energies). The combination of these energies determines the further development of a person in one direction or another and affects the relationship between people. If we consider the relationship of people in an energy context, then the exchange of energy occurs unconsciously. And the energy dependence that arises between people is also not realized by them!

Intuitively, each person can determine the type of energy impact of another person. Unfortunately, people have forgotten how to trust their intuition, so chance rules everything - with a successful coincidence of circumstances, energies fall into resonance, strengthen people, allow them to be realized in society, as well as in biological terms. If the energies come into opposition, then such a relationship awaits the whole spectrum of negative emotions, up to causing damage to the physical body in the form of various diseases. Compared to other people, it is easier for me, since I have an additional "degree of freedom" - I feel and understand the energy of people, I can correct it with the energy of the environment, that is, balance it as much as possible.

Are there any rules or laws by which relationships between people are built?

A.L. It is based on the universal balance or the law of uniform distribution of energy. In other words, the number of people giving energy and receiving energy at any given time is the same. In medical terms, there are donors and recipients - givers and receivers. These hypostases are inseparable, like inhalation and exhalation. The donor has an excess of energy and feels the need to give it away. But you can't give it up to emptiness, so he is looking for recipients who are able to receive this energy. And if there is no one to give to the donor, then he will be ill, and the recipient, having received less energy, will also wither away. It is curious to note that there are no pure donors and recipients - each person "works" for both receiving and giving. But if we consider the relationship with each specific person, the role will almost always be determined - either the donor or the recipient. Suppose a husband will always be a donor for his wife, but when he comes to work, he replenishes the energy given to her in the process of communicating with colleagues. And this is neither bad nor good. This is a given.

Speak from the heart and bake pies!

What are the conditions for the harmonious coexistence of a man and a woman? What's the secret to a long and happy marriage?

A.L. To begin with, there are certain types of energy roles that a person cannot control or control consciously. They can be conventionally designated "mother", "father", "wife", "husband", "son", "daughter". It is ideal if the wife is energetically a “wife” in relation to her husband, and the husband is energetically a “husband”. But it happens completely differently.

For example, if a husband, on the energetic level, treats his wife not as a “wife”, but as, say, toward a “mother”, what happens?

He behaves towards her (meaning not in a controlled manner, not consciously, that is, at the energetic level) as a “son”, whom everyone will forgive and always accept back. If such a man finds another woman, energetically "wife", then he will easily decide to go to her, remaining confident that ex-wife, like a real "mother", he will understand, forgive, and, if necessary, will accept him back. And this usually happens - she accepts and forgives. It turns out a vicious circle. Such a relationship does not bring joy to either one or the other.

Do you know when a man most often gets married? When he is in an energetic decline. When he is on an energetic rise, strong and self-sufficient, it will be difficult for him to marry, because he himself does not want it. And when he weakens, he needs nourishment, and he finds it in the form of a woman. And if their energies coincide, there will be a wedding. But if, apart from energy supply, the man did not find anything in common with this woman, then, having gained strength, he will leave. This is another law of relationships - cyclicality. Once the goal is achieved and there is no new goal to allow the relationship to evolve, it ends.

In addition, spouses either "eat" each other, destroy, or potentiate, that is, strengthen. By the way, I often see this among politicians: their wives are energetically very strong women... If a wife energetically strengthens her husband, then the husband develops, gets richer, moves up the career ladder - and all this is largely due to the energy of the wife. It often happens that a strong desire to advance in business upsets the husband's energy balance and his soul asks for changes. With the next change, for example, a car, he suddenly decides to change his wife. And it's good if the new wife turns out to have a similar energy. If he marries a young, beautiful, but energetically weak (for him) woman, then he thereby upsets the energy balance. Business, careers either collapse overnight, or gradually decline.

So, the reason for the destruction of relations is in the mismatch of the energy of people?

A.L. Paradoxically, sometimes our virtues are the cause of the tragedy. For example, there is a very strong donor, with pure, refined energy, and there is a recipient who, before meeting this donor, “nourished” a little from everywhere - from friends, relatives, nature. They met - the recipient begins to absorb the donor's energy, but at the same time loses the ability to receive it from other sources. Addiction is developed. And if the donor grows cold, carried away, for example, by an interesting job, then the recipient begins to literally "break". Mental anguish is essentially an energy hunger. Claims and problems arise. Even worse, the person starts to get sick.

A.L. One of many. It happens that the conflict continues as long as the children, the parents are looking at it ... The viewer leaves, and the quarrel subsides. It happens that the relationship is normal, but the wife's brother is energetically her “husband”. So he will destroy relationships and provoke conflicts.

It should be noted that many wives intuitively feel how to help their man. The main thing is that a woman should never forget her natural role as a hostess, a homemaker. Let in our age of equal opportunities for men and women this role has become not fashionable, not promising. Anyway, time shows that they are winning wise women capable of providing a cozy, comfortable life.

It doesn't matter how many housekeepers there are - once a week, the wife has to bake bread (pies, pancakes, pancakes) so that she has at least a few odor molecules in her hair. And a man, sensing this smell, feels a reliable rear, for which he is ready to move mountains.

AND little advice men: do not forget that you need to talk to your wife. Women receive information best before 8 am and in the evening, from 8 pm to 1 am. It is better not to have important conversations during the day. And it is important to choose the tone - to speak from here (shows in the heart - Auth.). And then the woman will appreciate any phrase.

Learn to say the word "NO"!

Are the same energetic principles followed at work?

A.L. Yes and no. I noticed for a long time that successful companies intuitively select people created to work in this particular area of ​​business for key positions. In a word, their employees have exactly such energy characteristics that help develop specific activities. There is such an expression - "this is not his element." So, it is better to select personnel in accordance with the energy settings of each person, as well as the compatibility of people's energetics. If a person works out of place, he is ineffective. Problems arise both for him and the organization where he works. This is the problem of companies that hire people not according to their ability, but, as they say, on a call. When people who are not energetically adapted for a given type of activity appear in a team, then the entire energetic structure of the organization sooner or later falls apart.

And if you like your job, but your relationship with your boss doesn't work out?

A.L. The reason is the incompatibility of people. Let me give you a simple example. The team employs a person who is a recipient who, for some reason, has received less energy in the family. He comes to work with this sense of lack. But no one will give it up just like that - employees are more closed than relatives, so he is forced to provoke people to share energy with him. If this is the boss, he will arrange a debriefing, and there will certainly be a donor who will emotionally react and "feed" him.

The problem is that the donor, giving his energy through negative emotions, in addition to the surplus, often gives the so-called reserve energy, which is intended to be used only in extreme situations related to survival. As a result, the recipient is bursting with the abundance of the received energy, which he sometimes cannot digest, and the donor feels like a squeezed lemon. Therefore, it will be difficult for him to work in such a team.

In such cases, I always remember my favorite phrase: "Who controls emotions - he controls everything." And when a person learns to consciously restrain or hide his emotional impulses, he really becomes the master of the situation. Then he gives and receives energy more consciously. This is not easy to learn. You need serious work on yourself, requiring extreme concentration.

In my practice, there was a case: a man complained about problems with his wife - she did not understand him and criticized him all the time. I told him: "You know that it is thanks to your wife that you have achieved everything in life." He was surprised: "I myself studied, worked until the seventh sweat, what does she have to do with it?" And despite the fact that it was she who taught her husband to control himself, which became the key to his success. She is terribly jealous, and he, being in her company, was forced to control his every look and gesture, so as not to get thrashed. Moreover, she is also touchy, and this again forced her husband, even in the heat of family squabbles, to choose his words so as not to offend her. It was this control over one's words and gestures that passed into other spheres of life and became indispensable in business negotiations.

Another important part of a relationship, I consider the ability to say the word "no" - both to others and to myself. Learning to set boundaries develops our free will. We need to listen to intuition, it always tells when we go too far. Unfortunately, very often a person succumbs to someone else's influence, bends down under someone until he breaks or explodes, or he gets nervous exhaustion, being all the time unhappy with the situation and himself. Learn to say the word "no" in time!

New kids

How, taking into account the energy characteristics, to build relationships with children?

A.L. You need to start doing this even before birth, having thought about where and how the birth will take place. In the first minutes of his life, a child absorbs energy like a sponge, so it is important who picks him up first. I have a familiar family, in which there are six completely ordinary children, and the eldest child is a nugget. I asked the now deceased mother of the family who was giving birth. It turned out - Bukharin's wife, a deeply intelligent, energetically powerful woman. And the child received this charge.

In the old days, midwives were handled by specialists - midwives. They themselves had a family and children and knew what to do in any situation, even an unforeseen one. Until recently, maternity hospitals had a "conveyor belt", embittered staff working from morning to night for a pittance — the entire medical system was in decline. So the children received the appropriate energy with concomitant nervous diseases. After all, if childbirth takes place in a state of stress at the doctor and at the mother, then the child can be very sick for up to a year - there will be stomach problems, allergies. A baby up to the age of three has a common energy with his mother - this is how nature tries to protect the child from the influence of other people's energetics, because he still cannot protect himself. Then the father's energy joins in. And the child lives on parental energy up to 10 years. Then there is a transitional period that lasts up to 13 years. At the physical level, hormonal changes begin, and at the energetic level, the formation of a teenager begins. His worldview begins to form, and often the main problem is that he himself does not know what is happening to him. And one fine day, the mother notices that the child has become different, is rude and annoys him, even the color of the wallpaper that his parents pasted in his room.

What can parents do to make this period less painful?

A.L. Talk to your child. After all, children are always smarter than their parents. This is not so noticeable in the next generation, but after a generation this difference is quite significant. Parents often grieve: “Why is my son, at the age of 18, a fool, plays games, does not work? At this age I already defended my homeland in boots! " And it is still small, the period of childhood for modern children has increased significantly, and all because they need to learn more information, and this must be done in childhood. By the age of 18, my generation had already assimilated all the necessary information, and modern children at 18, perhaps, have not studied half of them - the volumes are different! Their nature also limits, prolonging the period of infantilism, absorption of information. Therefore, they become more mature later, by the age of 23-24, but already with a great store of knowledge. Only, unfortunately, they all get married as early as their parents, although their perception of the world is still childish.

How can you save your big child from mistakes?

A.L. He needs to be comfortable in the family. And the parents would resolve their conflicts away from his eyes. It is very important to have the energy of the mother and father, and even better - the whole family clan. I immediately see if a child grew up without a father. In general, children greatly potentiate their parents. The woman is strengthened, and the man is made smarter - he makes fewer mistakes. Therefore, the child should not be suppressed, but guided, respecting his personality.

Previously, in addition to the parents, the godparents always took part in the child's life. It was a very responsible status, and now, unfortunately, it is mostly a formality. But the godfather at the energy level is responsible for his godson and can help him a lot in solving many problems.

Sometimes, by our actions, we build a wall between ourselves and God, he ceases to see us, and then we lose his protection. But it is our godparents who can “reach out” to God, bypassing this screen. This is how they help to break down this wall. At the same time, it is not necessary to be in a religious space - a person may appear in everyone's life, who, as they say, cheers for us.

Can you act as such a person?

A.L. I don't think my role fits that definition. My main task is to correct the energy balance of a person. But I have to get a so-called report from his body, that is, a reaction to my energy when its effect begins to intensify. Diseases arise due to disruptions in the energy balance of the body, and their cause, in turn, is the wrong actions, thoughts and emotions. When we incorrectly exercise our right to choose and leave our path in life, we begin to get sick. My task -

find the cause, eliminate energy problems, and the patient's task is serious

It is useful to work on your thoughts, to change yourself, and therefore your life. A lot depends on a person's desire to change. Sometimes the cause of the disease can be factors independent of him, for example, the energy of the place of residence or even an apartment. In the house, the science of feng shui helps to balance the energy well, but you need to consult with a master - a person who really understands the principles of this science. The city's energy industry, of course, cannot be redone - you need to look for your place. Many southerners feel good in Moscow, and a resident of the middle lane, having moved to the south, may not be able to realize himself. It is enough just to be born somewhere, and the energy of this place will forever leave an imprint on a person.

Were you born in Moscow?

A.L. No, but in Moscow I feel calm and confident, this city suits me in terms of energy. And I was born in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region.

"I modeled the victory in the" Battle of psychics "

Did you know that you will become the winner of the "Battle of Psychics"?

A.L. Of course. As I said earlier, when emotions are brought under control, they can begin to serve the person. The point is that the Universe takes us literally. We can get everything, provided that we love ourselves and show the Universe what we want in the form of a bright and clear picture. To do this, we must very clearly, in detail, present the desired event. Laconically describe your message and clothe this picture in a vivid emotional image. Our task is that, at the very thought of this, we are already enveloped by those emotions that we want to experience at the moment of receiving what we want. And when we cover the picture with an emotional “blanket”, part of the energy needs to be sent upward in the form of gratitude. Then we will be heard, seen and will know exactly what we want. This is the way I modeled my victory in the "Battle".

The audience was simply amazed - as if you see people or a situation through and through. How do you read information?

A.L. Sometimes I just know - clearly and without doubt. Sometimes I have to purposefully "pull out" the situation. And not every day, by the way, I can do this. Each case has its own method. If I need to watch the souls of the dead, I go on fasting for three days. If I need to heal, on the contrary, a healthy diet and good sleep help. If you need to treat infertility, then within a month there may not be a day when I can do it. It is a myth that during one day you can communicate with spirits and remove stones from the kidneys.

I do not need the patient to sit in front of me in a chair, I can work remotely, via the Internet. The main thing is to believe yourself, inner feelings, images, not to doubt first impressions, not to reason logically, but to listen to the heart. When I feel that the situation is difficult and my energy may not be enough, I connect my team (these are several people, they live in other cities), and then we work together.

I'll tell you a case from practice. The woman's son is missing. I see - a train, carriages, a railway, I ask if it is somehow connected with it. She confirmed - live near railroad... Then I begin to feel a clear heaviness in my legs and numbness in my body, a feeling that I am bound, a load on my legs ... I see a pond ... I understand that the guy was drowned ... Subsequently, my vision was confirmed. As a rule, while “watching” a situation, I find myself at the scene of the event and sometimes I feel the same way as the person who was being asked about felt. There are also painful sensations.

Another area of ​​my activity is business consulting. I help with the selection of the team. Quite often big businessmen ask me to be present at negotiations, just to sit next to them. I can accurately determine whether a person is lying or not. I tune in and do so that in my presence the interlocutor becomes unable to lie. And politicians are asking for help ...

Do our politicians want to serve the people?

A.L. (Laughs) There is one - a rare case - the governor of the region. An advanced person, he does not need anything, wants to really benefit people. I help him, and I will help him!

The official church does not accept psychics, and it considers it a sin to visit clairvoyants, fortune-tellers. Why?

A.L. When I went to Verkhoturye, I met a monk in the monastery, he just stood and looked at me. I walked over and said hello. This is how our acquaintance began. He also has the gift of clairvoyance, now he cooperates with me, I call him when I need help (unfortunately, he cannot leave the monastery). So I asked him what happened to me, how to explain these abilities, where they come from. "From God!" he replied.

For me there is nothing more precious than joy and love in the eyes of the people I have helped. Isn't love from God?

Psychic Alexander Litvin, who won the 6th season of the show "Battle of Psychics", has many fans to this day. How did the life of the famous clairvoyant go before his visit to television ...

In the article:

Psychic Alexander Litvin - how he found his gift

Among the relatives of the psychic Alexander Litvin, almost everyone had outstanding talents. They were often different from each other. Some family members of the winner of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics" project knew how to look for missing people, others were able to see the future. Litvin also discovered the gift of a clairvoyant by inheritance.

Alexander Litvin photo from Facebook

The abilities of Alexander Litvin were manifested even in childhood and throughout his life helped him in all matters. At the age of 14, he wanted to see his future wife. In a dream, Alexander met a thin girl, and he did not like her. According to the psychic, she was too thin. Prophetic dreams are frequent companions of many psychics. When Litvin was 21 years old, he dreamed of Brezhnev, and in the morning the psychic learned that he had died.

Once, when Alexander was 10 years old, his gift helped save a drowning boy. At a younger age, the boy prevented the death of his mother in a car accident by preventing her from getting on a bus that a wagon crashed into. During the training, he often predicted the results of the session to fellow students.

In the development of the gift, Alexander was helped by work that did not distract from the study of his own abilities, but rather the opposite. For example, while working in an ambulance, as a military doctor, customs officer, he often used his gift. Alexandra was taught, for the most part, by her grandmother. She taught him to interpret and order prophetic dreams.

Biography of Alexander Litvin - family, personal life, career

Alexander Litvin family

Alexander Litvin practically does not hide his biography, the audience knows a lot about his family and personal life. He was born on July 25, 1965 (according to some sources - 1960) in the city Troitsk. It is located in the Chelyabinsk region, near the border with Kazakhstan.

After school, the future psychic entered medical school and graduated from it. After training, he became a paramedic and worked at an ambulance station. Extreme situations, on the behavior in which human life depended, helped Alexander develop his abilities. He later received degrees in Pharmacy, Lawyer and Manager. According to some reports, he also graduated from the customs academy.

Without staying for a long time in the ranks of ambulance doctors, Alexander went to the army. While serving in the army, he prevented an accident at a nuclear power plant by calling for help in time. A gift helped him to see the accident.

After the service, he remained a military medic. He left this position only at the age of 33 - he retired. For a long time the doctor could not find a suitable job and decided to leave his specialty and become a customs officer. He lived in a border town, so this specialty was in demand. While working at customs, Alexander often found smugglers using his gift. Now he is engaged in personal receptions as a psychic.

For some time there were rumors that Alexander Lytvyn had died, but this is not true. He does not and has never had any health problems.

Alexander Litvin

When meeting his future first wife, Alexander hardly recognized in her the girl who dreamed of him at the age of 14, when the clairvoyant was trying to find out. While participating in the "Battle of Psychics" project, Alexander Lytvyn had to become a widower. From this marriage he left two sons. The clairvoyant bravely endured the loss, and in this he was helped by participation in the show, which distracted Alexander from sad thoughts.

After a while, Alexander Litvin married again. In 2011, his wife gave birth to a son, despite the fact that his father was already over 50. His last wife's name is Alena, and acquaintance with her also happened with the help of an extrasensory gift. She turned to a clairvoyant for help, Alena's mother was sick with cancer. Usually Alexander was forced to flip through such letters without reading, because it is impossible to help everyone. But this letter somehow drew his attention. As a result, Alena's mother is alive and well, and the couple became husband and wife, and then happy parents.

The children of Alena and Alexander will inherit the latter's gift. But, according to the clairvoyant himself, they will be able to use it only after their fortieth birthday, and there is a reason for this, the essence of which he prefers to keep secret.

Alexander Litvin is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics"

It is known that Alexander Litvin became the winner of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics". His competitors were strong, but the clairvoyant physician was the best among them. Alexander believes that the mental image of victory in the show helped him to win, because thoughts are material. You can learn more about event modeling from the clairvoyant lectures. He moved to victory confidently and with dignity, and as a result received the main prize, becoming the strongest psychic of the 6th season. In addition, there is now and, which he wrote to help all people, telling about life by his own example.

According to the winner of the show, the main thing is self-confidence. He believes that no entourage or objects at all are needed for successful magical work. Alexander Litvin never tried to attract the attention of the viewer with his image, but his powerful psychic abilities made him stand out from the background of other participants. He received more than 60% of the votes in his favor, more than once he was recognized as the strongest psychic of the week.

Alexander Litvin is a former military medic, folk healer and business consultant who managed to win in the sixth season of the popular mystical TV show "The Battle of Psychics". Moreover, the man assures that he is neither a magician nor a psychic, and Litvin's abilities are based on the symbiosis of intuition and knowledge of scientific physical and biological processes.

Alexander was born in 1960 in the town of Troitsk, located in the Chelyabinsk region. In the Litvin family and before him there were relatives who were engaged in healing, but mainly along the female line of the clan. And Lytvyn decided to help people exclusively from the scientific and traditional side - after school he entered the medical institute and received a doctor's diploma, and later graduated from the second faculty, pharmaceutical.

But Alexander Litvin was not a civilian doctor, but a military one. For about 15 years, he headed the medical service in one of the military units in Chukotka. After being retired, the man returned to his hometown and got a job at the customs service. Inquisitive and always striving for knowledge, Alexander additionally received legal and management education.

Extrasensory perception

It was at the customs office that Lytvyn began to develop his own unique methodology, which subsequently determined the further biography of the psychic. Relying on psychology, knowledge of personality types and using intuition, Lytvyn gathered an excellent close-knit team of like-minded people, and also easily figured out violators of the law.

After a while, this extraordinary person realized that he had exhausted himself in the service. Alexander quit customs and organized his own enterprise, the purpose of which was to help all people in need. Moreover, the psychic advises visitors both in a personal conversation and tries to help with advice to clients using his official website, which is called "Alexander Litvin's Laboratory".

Unlike a number of colleagues, Lytvyn is distinguished by an innovative approach to extrasensory perception, the healer is not against consultations on the Internet and uses the Skype program for this. At the same time, clients can choose the topic of the consultation and book time through the official website of the psychic. As you can see, the scientific approach is more acceptable for him even in such an unconventional type of activity.

Alexander Litvin's methods are closely intertwined with the art of drawing up a horoscope, numerology and the interpretation of names. In order to get advice from a psychic, it is necessary to inform Lytvyn of the date of birth and real name. The psychic considers this information to be the most important, and even calls the date of birth a person's barcode. According to Alexander Litvin, knowing the name and date of birth, one can determine the character of a person, learn about his health and future health problems, and consider a person's predisposition.

Also, Alexander Lytvyn publishes "Happy Life Calendar", both in paper and electronic form. This is a calendar with calculations and psychic comments that shows good ideas for each day. At the same time, the calendar describes the color and texture of the most successful clothes, the desired type of food, hobbies and sports. The calendar also recommends how to behave with family, at work and during financial transactions.

As indicated on the official website, the calendar is also compiled using scientific methods and therefore depends on the geographic location of the user. Such a calendar will operate only in those territories where the North Star is visible (29 ° –80 ° North latitude).

Alexander Lytvyn also skillfully uses other achievements of civilization. The psychic has a blog on "LJ" and a channel on "Telegram". And the psychic, fashionable among teenagers, spinner toys in his own blog even called charms and amulets and said that he was glad to spread them.

But at the same time, in parallel with a commitment to technology, as well as research into the influence of gravity on human intuition and the development of other ideas related to science, Alexander Litvin believes in the primacy of the clan and family and in the inheritance of problems and debts from ancestors.

On the official website of the psychic, it is even separately noted that Alexander Litvin does not help and cannot help people whose ancestors committed atrocities and crimes and were condemned by their contemporaries. According to the psychic, such people must independently go through the tests caused by this and purify their own kind.

"The fight of extrasensories"

When the television show "Battle of Psychics" began on television, Alexander Litvin began to watch this program from the first season. Relatives and friends who were aware of his abilities persuaded the man to participate in this program, and in 2008 the psychic succumbed to these persuasions.

Lytvyn easily passed the casting and became one of the magicians, sorcerers, healers and psychics ready to fight for victory in the sixth season. Alexander himself, on various tests, used his own methodology based on knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology and unique intuition. In addition, the man assures that with the help of a scientific approach he was able to simulate even his own victory on the show.

But what the psychic found it difficult to cope with was human grief and the strongest emotions emanating from the invited heroes of the TV program. Cameras and spotlights were also distracting, so Lytvyn mostly worked with his eyes closed. As a result, Alexander coped with most of the proposed tasks, from round to round approaching victory, and became the owner of the "Winner's Blue Hand".

Personal life

Alexander Litvin was married twice. From his first marriage, he left two adult sons. Alexander was happy with his first wife, but in the midst of the sixth season of the "Battle of the Psychics" his wife Natalya suddenly died. The man was very upset by the tragedy and even planned to quit participating in the show, but both sons convinced the psychic to return to the project.

After winning the "Battle" Lytvyn plunges headlong into other people's problems, so as not to be left alone with his own. The psychic helped people a lot, including a young woman named Alena, who turned to him with a request to help her sick mother. An acquaintance began, which gradually grew into a romance, and then into a wedding. Today, the spouses have two little sons, to whom the father tries to devote the maximum amount of time.

The Litvins moved to Moscow, where Alexander is engaged in consulting clients, and also conducts historical research, delves into the energetic laws of nature. The psychic expounds new ideas in his autobiographical books "I will not be higher than God" and "They will find me themselves", as well as on the pages of the official website and in the blog. And in free time Lytvyn travels a lot with his family, and also tries to go fishing or hunting at least for a short time.

Alexander Litvin now

Today, Alexander Lytvyn advises those who apply privately, and also conducts mass lectures. Also, the psychic gives interviews, talking about his own theories and methods. In 2017, Alexander Litvin appeared on the STS TV channel and on the Mayak radio. In addition, Alexander Lytvyn regularly appears on television in the new show "Psychics are investigating."

In 2017, the psychic gave lectures "Man in the System" and "Physics of a Miracle". At the same time, "Physics of a Miracle" became the first public lecture given by the psychic in the United States. Alexander Litvin's performances took place in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

On December 22, 2017, Alexander Litvin held a new author's lecture entitled “2018. Gravity "at the Moscow International University. The psychic's speech is dedicated to gravitational waves. This phenomenon, according to Alexander Lytvyn, affects the intuitive perception of a person, and also becomes a catalyst for events taking place on the planet.


  • 2008 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2012-2018 - "Psychics are investigating"
  • 2014 - the book "I will not be higher than God"
  • 2015 - "X-version. High-profile cases "
  • 2016 - the book "They will find me themselves"
  • 2016 - The Invisible Man
  • 2017 - lecture "Physics of a Miracle"
  • 2017 - lecture "Man in the system"
  • 2017 - lecture “2018. Gravity "

I often involuntarily express myself in Aesopian language, talking about the elements, which are described, by the way, in ancient Chinese methodologies. In fact, we are talking about the wavelength: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue. Each of us receives the appropriate radiation at the time of birth. After all, what is childbirth? This is a spacewalk under radiation - a certain wavelength, which sets us the main characteristics of a person. There is a person - a beautiful picture, you look and do not admire. And the other may be outwardly cute, but rather unpleasant in reality. Appearance is really not the main thing! This is how I see and perceive people, it is important energy and the painting itself with paints - rainbow spectrum colors, which everyone has their own. Because in the past, those who mixed colors - the third and fourth generations, predetermined our individuality by choosing certain colors. It only seems to us that we ourselves give birth to children, nothing like that! The material from which it will be made, and the paints with which this canvas will be painted, were chosen by our ancestors.

However, I emphasize that these are only general characteristics, and there are also numbers at birth, name, many other factors that affect your energy, which must be taken into account in order to more accurately determine your personal recommendations. But first, I advise everyone to start studying the general characteristics of their personality. Then conduct analytics in order to understand your strengths and weaknesses and decide what you can love and respect for, and where an urgent one is needed, this is important, no less than taking into account your energy when choosing food preferences, remember my years of birth.

Watch the video from the meeting with Alexander Litvin!

Byyear of birth you can define everything - all the basic characteristics set by the color of the rainbow spectrum at the time of birth. TO every O hotnik f wants s nat, G de with walking f adhan. The wavelength also determines the center of the personality. This, if you like, is your tuning fork, which can be translated into the language of music, for example, not only colors.

People born in years with the latest digits 0 and 1 , have the energy of the violet spectrum: white, gray, pink, lilac, dark cherry, purple, burgundy. And also silver, gold and bronze. Therefore, when I indicate the violet spectrum, for example, I mean all these colors, you should already understand! This is the energy of the metal - quite tough, military, western, favorable movement for such people - to the west of the place of birth. It’s good to go and have a rest, and if you’re planning to move from your homeland, it’s better to move in this direction as well.

Last digits 4 and 5 - these are all shades of green, from delicate green to dark emerald, including khaki. For you, the ancestors predetermined the colors of greenery, the energy of grass and trees, and the vector of movement in space - to the east of the place of birth.

6 th and 7 Years - all shades of red and orange - the spectrum of fire, which, by the way, destroys green, because the energy of fire will always destroy the energy of plants. The most favorable direction of movement for sixes and sevens is south.

Last digits 8 and 9 - yellow spectrum in all the variety of earth colors: yellow, beige, brown, ocher, terracotta, burnt clay. And in terms of energy - this is the earth, you better live or, in any case, when traveling, rest in big cities, in megalopolises.

It is perfectly clear to me that everything in this world is divided into seven colors of the rainbow and synchronized and that it is not just a physical phenomenon and our perception of the refraction of light in water droplets. A rainbow is a symbol of the relationship between God and people, a visible sign. The Covenant says that, behold, I give you a sign-covenant between you and me - a rainbow. And as long as you can see it, I promise you there will be no flood. This means that until the spectral composition of the atmosphere changes - the chemistry of life, that is, as long as we see a rainbow in the sky in all colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet - there will be no end of the world, that's what we are promised !

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