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  • Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's sensations. Nutritional features of a pregnant woman in the seventh month From which week is the 7th month of pregnancy

Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's sensations. Nutritional features of a pregnant woman in the seventh month From which week is the 7th month of pregnancy

The 7th month of pregnancy is the time when the baby reaches the age beyond which it is already possible to survive with premature birth. And this is a reason for the expectant mother to calm down a little about the risk of not tolerating pregnancy.

If we talk about the gestational age of 7 months, how many weeks it is, then it corresponds to 27-31 weeks of pregnancy.

The beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy when carrying twins is the time to go on maternity leave. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then those women who carry one baby also go on vacation (for example, if you have serious somatic diseases). Everyone else has to wait 30 weeks for pregnancy.

Baby at 7 months pregnant

A child 7 months pregnant is very actively gaining weight. Now his task is to grow rapidly, and in just a month he can gain 800 grams of weight, adding 180-200 grams per week.

The weight of a child at 7 months of pregnancy in different women, or even in one, but with different pregnancies, can be very different, individual differences in development are becoming increasingly important. By the end of 7 months, the baby can weigh up to 2 kg.

The baby's skin is still wrinkled and red, the legs and arms are very thin, but the face is rounded, white fat began to be deposited. By the end of the month, the baby will look almost like an ordinary newborn.

Now there is still a lot of amniotic fluid, and there is a month of maximum intrauterine activity. The child moves a lot and actively. Only half of the children have chosen the correct position with their head down, but while everything is very unstable, the child may turn over more than once, it is too early to worry about the breech presentation.

In the evenings, when you go to bed, the child is more active than during the day. This is normal, in the daytime he is rocked by your movements.

Now the baby is able to see and hear, all the reflexes necessary for extrauterine have formed, the internal organs, liver and kidneys are working. The child sucks his fingers and swallows amniotic fluid in everything he can reach. They have a lot of nutrients, and this is how the baby trains its gastrointestinal tract. The digested is stored in the baby's intestines and is not excreted anywhere; after birth, the baby will get rid of these intrauterine deposits (the baby's first stool, meconium, is formed precisely by these accumulated intrauterine reserves).

At 7 months of pregnancy, ultrasound is done according to indications, however, at the end of the month you may already be referred for a planned, screening third ultrasound. On this ultrasound, the doctor assesses the condition of the placenta, the compliance of the baby's development with the gestational age, his presentation, the amount of amniotic fluid. This is the last scheduled ultrasound scan, however, often on admission to the hospital immediately before childbirth, the study is repeated again.

Woman 7 months pregnant

A woman who is 7 months pregnant gets the opportunity to go on maternity leave. Finally, you do not need to get up in the morning and you can start preparing for the birth of the baby.

Most likely, your loved ones are now trying to create the most comfortable conditions for you, relieving you of everyday worries, and you have a lot of free time.

When the 7th month of pregnancy begins, shopping time begins. Most expectant mothers spend their maternity money on long-awaited large purchases. A dowry for the baby, a cot, a stroller is bought. The belly at the 7th month of pregnancy is not yet so big that it would interfere with walking for a long time in children's shops, with pleasure choosing children's things.

There are superstitions that it is impossible to make such purchases before the birth of a child, but it is still more correct to prepare everything in advance.

The bed must be left empty for several weeks, so that all possible harmful substances are removed from it (varnish, glue is used even in beds made of natural wood).

Things should be washed and ironed. The 7th month of pregnancy is a time when this work does not seem hard, it will be perceived in a completely different way before childbirth, and you don’t want to, it will be hard to go shopping with a big belly.

What may be troubling

All the delights of late pregnancy are already known. The tummy has almost reached the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process, the skin is taut, the navel may turn out and darken. A streak appeared on the abdomen and now there is a high risk of stretch marks.

Itching in the abdomen is one of the symptoms that the skin has reached the limit of elasticity and requires immediate attention. Despite the use of creams for stretch marks, they can still appear, because the likelihood of their occurrence is largely associated with the genetic characteristics of your skin, and care only slightly affects their appearance.

For many expectant mothers, it is at the 7th month of pregnancy that the onset of the first false contractions (Braxton-Higgs contractions) occurs. This sensation of uterine tone that arises can be frightening and anxiety-provoking, but at rest, the discomfort goes away quickly. Such fights are not a threat, they are not dangerous.

The difference from real contractions is their irregularity and painlessness, you can fall asleep completely calmly, despite them, your condition is not disturbed. They are needed to prepare the uterus for childbirth, and should not bother you.

Of course, if you are 7 months pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, you feel that these are contractions that are increasing in duration and strength, they do not go away at rest - you need to see a doctor. In other cases, there is no reason for alarm.

An overgrown tummy becomes the cause of other problems as well. Now, for the first time, you may experience digestive difficulties. The uterus constricts the stomach, interferes with the liver, and nausea after 7 months of pregnancy after eating can become common. If you try to eat in small portions, then, as a rule, you feel less sick, and if you overeat, you may even vomit.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, you may also be bothered by discharge from the breast, colostrum. Try not to disturb your breasts, do not squeeze them out, and if it leaks and stains your underwear, just use breast pads.

Discharge at 7 months of pregnancy should not alarm you. Normally, at this time, they are insignificant and have a slimy character. The appearance of unusual discharge should always be alarming.

If a simple thrush at 7 months of pregnancy can only cause discomfort to you, inflammation in the vagina caused by a different flora can be dangerous for the baby. Yellow, greenish discharge with a bad smell requires urgent consultation with a gynecologist and smears.

The increased stress on the muscles can cause back and leg pain. The problem is solved by gymnastics and wearing a prenatal bandage.

Dangers of 7 months of pregnancy

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy is the main danger.

From this time on, the premature newborn is considered human and receives birth documents. Children who were born earlier are also cared for, but babies must live at least 7 days in order to obtain human status. And before that, he is considered just a miscarriage and no birth documents are issued.

Termination of pregnancy at 7 months is a real, full-fledged childbirth, however, they have their own characteristics. They often proceed very rapidly and are accompanied by birth injuries to both the mother and the fetus.

Unfortunately, the problem of miscarriage exists, and even the most successful pregnancy can end ahead of time. With timely treatment for help, doctors often manage to stop the onset of labor, which is why it is so important that you remember the symptoms that indicate the possibility of such a course of events.

The pains in the lower abdomen may not necessarily be severe, it may be a pulling sensation like during menstruation, encircling and tightening the lower back with a hoop. At the same time, the uterus tenses and becomes stone, strong pressure is felt on the bottom, on the perineum.

The duration of such contractions increases, and they become more frequent - this is a very alarming symptom.

The nature of the discharge changes, they intensify, become stretching mucous membranes, there may be streaks of blood or staining them pink. A particularly formidable symptom is bleeding.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, preterm labor in some cases begins with the rupture of amniotic fluid.

Any warning sign is a reason to see a doctor.

In the second half of pregnancy, edema may appear. The body of a pregnant woman itself is inclined to retain fluid, this is due to a high level of progesterone, but there should be no edema. Symptoms of fluid retention are subtle at first and are called latent edema. You may simply be gaining weight too quickly. And only when several liters of excess water have lingered, the edema will become apparent. Swelling of the fingers, legs and feet appears first.

Edema at the 7th month of pregnancy can be the beginning of pregnancy complications, preeclampsia. Do not forget to take a urine test before each visit to the antenatal clinic.

And of course, you need to try not to get cold. Take care of yourself, dress warmly, avoid public places, and if you have to use the subway or visit clinics, shops - wear a mask during periods of SARS and flu epidemics.

A cold at 7 months of pregnancy is dangerous, like any other. Although in most cases the placenta is able to protect the baby from infection, it itself inevitably suffers, there is a risk of feto-placental insufficiency. And if you suddenly get sick, do not postpone going to the doctor, even if you just have a fever.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the risks and dangers are still not great, the best time of your pregnancy is still going on. And even though every day the wonderful burden is getting heavier, you still feel good and are full of strength and energy.

Your life

Your life has changed dramatically now. Going on maternity leave means the risk that you will begin to suffer from physical inactivity, completely stop moving. Do not forget that physical activity is necessary for you, and will be necessary until the end of pregnancy. This is important in order to make the birth easier, it will be better if you are trained and enduring. This is not the time to lie on the couch - the time is finally to start in earnest attending childbirth preparation courses.

Water aerobics for pregnant women and special group exercises in the gym give a wonderful boost of energy. Do not miss the wonderful opportunity to communicate with other expectant mothers, learn new things.

Going on maternity leave for some women means the other extreme - I want to go somewhere to relax. You can really afford it for now if your pregnancy is going well. The flight at the 7th month of pregnancy is relatively safe, and at the place of rest you can now provide yourself with conditions no worse than at home. Avoid only a sharp change in climate and diet, this will create an undesirable additional burden on the body.

A pregnancy wedding usually occurs in the first three months or is postponed until maternity leave. Perhaps you are now in pleasant trouble, and we can only rejoice for you. A wedding at 7 months of pregnancy is no worse than any other, just remember that you need to avoid overwork. The whole action should be built as carefully as possible in relation to the expectant mother.

You need the most balanced and high quality food at the 7th month of pregnancy. If you do not eat right, you don’t get everything you need with food, the baby will still get it all - he will take it away from you. And there will be health problems. Due to calcium deficiency, caries is possible, bone pain, especially in the pelvic bones, lack of meat and other sources of iron will cause anemia, etc.

Overall, this is one of the most beautiful months of pregnancy. You can lead an ordinary, in general, way of life with all earthly joys, you are healthy, you are just expecting a baby.

7 month pregnant video

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The seventh month of pregnancy is obstetric weeks 25, 26, 27, 28. Moreover, the last week of this month is the beginning of the physically most difficult third trimester of pregnancy. About 3 lunar months remain before meeting with the baby.

What happens to the body and well-being of the expectant mother in the seventh month

1. Increased pressure on the rectum. As a result, hemorrhoids appear. It is difficult to avoid this. The best preventive measure is proper nutrition, it will not provoke constipation and excess weight, but as a result, a large fetus, which will make bearing even more difficult.

2. Striae appear. This word means stretch marks familiar to many. They occur where the skin is most taut. During pregnancy, this is the belly and chest. And also the inner and outer thighs. Doctors advise to monitor your weight, not to gain more than 300 grams per week, so as not to provoke striae. Moisturizing the skin with special creams and oils is ineffective. And if stretch marks appear, then a non-invasive method (various wraps, baths, etc.) cannot get rid of them. True, stretch marks tend to lighten over time, but they will remain white. And they won't tan in the sun.

3. There are cramps in the legs at night. The reason for this is the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. This is why the muscles begin to contract so hard in response to a slight stretch, for example. There are ways that you can quickly get rid of the cramps. For example, pull the sock towards you. And after giving birth, the situation will improve, although it is not a fact that it will completely disappear.

4. Periodically there are pains in the spine. This is due to a change in the angle of inclination due to the pregnant uterus. And it will get worse every week. A pain-suffering mom should consider wearing a brace and adopting a body position in which pain is not felt as much.

It is recommended to sleep on a comfortable mattress. Hard or soft is not so important. Usually, people weighing up to 60 kg are more comfortable sleeping on a soft, 60-80 kg - medium hard, more than 80 kg - hard. It is important that the mattress under the person does not bend too much.

Since it is undesirable for pregnant women to use pain relievers, you need to think about non-drug pain relievers. The so-called kitty pose helps to improve well-being.

5. Increased varicose veins. This is due to increased blood circulation and low physical activity in women. The first symptoms are aching pain, swelling. Wearing compression underwear, not being upright often, and resting with your legs raised slightly above head level can help.

6. Some women experience symptoms of urinary incontinence. Some even take this symptom for leakage of amniotic fluid. Urine leaks when sneezing, laughing. After giving birth, it goes away. In the meantime, when leaving the house, you can use sanitary pads and do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

7. It gets dark, the strip in the middle of the abdomen becomes wider. This is a pigmentation that will go away spontaneously after the baby is born. When exactly? Someone in 3-6 months, and someone in a year or even more. By the way, this dark streak sometimes appears outside of pregnancy. She is hormonally dependent.

What happens to a baby at the seventh month of gestation

By the end of this month, the weight of the fetus may slightly exceed 1 kg. Then he will begin to gain weight much faster. So at birth, after about 12 weeks, it will weigh 3-4 kg.

The rhythms of sleep and wakefulness are clearly traced. When the baby is asleep, his mother practically does not feel his movements. By the way, like you and me, in utero babies love to sleep in rainy weather. And during the waking period, the baby spins in full swing in the uterus and often changes its position from the head to the pelvic and transverse.

At the end of the seventh month, a cardiotocographic study can be performed. True, it will not be very informative yet. Nevertheless, it is sometimes performed when fetal hypoxia is suspected.

In the lungs of the child, a surfactant continues to form, without which it is impossible to breathe. But there is still too little of it for a child born at this time to breathe on its own. Life is possible so far only with artificial ventilation of the lungs and in a special incubator. Babies at this time are born with pronounced signs of prematurity - a small amount of subcutaneous fat, wrinkled skin, abundant cheese-like lubrication, with many vellus hair on the body.

Problems that are often recorded for a period of seven months with an ultrasound

1. Signs of intrauterine growth retardation. This is when a child does not correspond to the gestational age with its size, lags behind him by at least 2 weeks. Depending on the number of weeks the child lags behind in development, the degree of developmental delay is set. At the third, when there are already signs of circulatory disorders, the woman undergoes a cesarean section so that she can still fight for the child's life.
Sometimes there are situations when the baby literally stops in development. Then prolonging the pregnancy also does not make sense and even dangerous.

2. Polyhydramnios and low water. The cause of the first, if pronounced, is various infections. And oligohydramnios often occurs simultaneously with placental insufficiency and intrauterine fetal growth retardation. Also, the problem may be associated with leakage of amniotic fluid.
Treatment is carried out depending on the causes of the pathology. If it is an infection, it is treated. If a woman is leaking water, but not critical, antibiotic therapy is performed.

3. Myoma of the uterus. It is a very common benign tumor. It can interfere with the course of pregnancy, or it may not affect it in any way. Removal of a tumor during pregnancy is carried out only if absolutely necessary.

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The 7th month of pregnancy does not bring a lot of trouble to a woman if she monitors her well-being and follows the recommendations of specialists. By this time, the time for medical examinations and visits to various specialists of the clinic ends. Maternity leave is just a stone's throw away. In the service, a woman is no longer burdened with urgent work that requires overtime to the limit. And if this happens, you must bring a certificate from the gynecologist that the pregnant woman, for health reasons, must be transferred to an easier job.

During this period, future parents know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. For ladies who do not want to undergo an ultrasound once again, there is a less accurate, but completely safe way - to listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. The boy's heart beats more regularly, girls have a more frequent heartbeat. Parents can start to name the baby.

Also, many mothers during this period begin to get involved in making clothes for the little one. A hat knitted by hand or a vest embroidered by a mother will then convey warmth and love to the baby.

Fetal development

In six months, the embryo has completely turned into a man. He has formed all the internal organs and systems of life. For the remaining three months, the development of the fetus will consist in the fact that they will improve and prepare for functioning independently from the mother.

How the child is developed during this period:

  1. The brain already has grooves and convolutions.
  2. The liver, intestines, stomach and kidneys work.
  3. The baby produces about half a liter of urine every day.
  4. He feels pain like an adult.
  5. At this stage, the lungs are still underdeveloped, which is why the baby is not yet able to breathe on his own. But mucous plugs are removed from the nose, which indicates preparation for breathing outside the mother. So in the case of premature birth, the baby is saved in most cases. After giving birth, he is placed in a pressure chamber, where the lungs will develop. He tries to do the first breaths in the mother's uterus before birth, so that genetic memory will help him learn to breathe.
  6. The baby gains a lot of weight at seven months, creating subcutaneous fat. But its skin is very thin, blood vessels are visible through it. Therefore, babies look red after birth.
  7. He continues to toss and turn in mom’s stomach, although it’s quite crowded there. If the child moves too actively, he gives his mother a signal that something he doesn’t like, something is wrong. He may have little oxygen. Perhaps he worries when mom experiences such emotions. It makes sense to visit a gynecologist for the doctor to give any recommendations or send for additional examination.

  8. By the 7th month, the genitals are fully formed: the boy's testicles are already in the scrotum, the girl has a clitoris, although the labia are not fully formed - they are still open.
  9. The skeletal system still accumulates such useful substances as calcium, phosphorus, iron. The bones are formed, but they are still too fragile.
  10. Ears hear well. The baby listens to the mother's heartbeat, he feels the flow of blood through her vessels, hears how the mother's intestines are functioning. If parents tell the baby fairy tales, turn on pleasant calm music, talk to him, he will remember the voices of mom and dad even in the womb, and after birth it will be easy to calm down from their words and quickly fall asleep. The infant's ability to hear imposes restrictions on the behavior of adults. The room where the pregnant woman is located should not be too noisy. Leave all scandals, loud fun and other strong sounds (work with a drill, for example) until future times. Complete silence is also not needed. You can talk quietly, turn on calm music so that the baby gets used to falling asleep, not paying attention to the light noise.
  11. At the age of 7 months, the first hairs appear on the baby's head. He already has a curb. He can open and close his eyes.
  12. The main thing in mental development is that the child can express his feelings with facial expressions. He wrinkles his brow, frowns, spreads his lips in a smile.
  13. By this time, the baby's teeth are already covered with enamel.

At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby takes the position in the uterus that is needed for the birth process. At 31 weeks, he curls up into a ball, because in order to stretch the arms and legs, the mother's stomach is too tight. At 32 weeks, the baby's skin straightens, the folds disappear. Weight reaches 1.8-2 kg, height up to 43 cm.

If the 7th month of pregnancy comes to an end, it is easier for a baby born prematurely than at the beginning of this month.

Therefore, mothers should take care of themselves and bring the baby to at least 32 weeks. Then he is almost completely ready for life outside the mother's body.

Changes in the mother's body

Feelings of the expectant mother are about the same as in the previous month. The belly of a pregnant woman is enlarged, the skin on it begins to itch due to stretching. Pink spots may appear on it. In order not to get upset after childbirth, you need to use external agents against stretch marks, wear a prenatal bandage.

Other changes in the maternal organism:

  • Since the beginning of pregnancy, the woman's weight has grown by 9-10 kg. This trend will continue until the end of the 3rd trimester.
  • The size of the breast increases. The mammary glands prepare for postpartum function, so colostrum production may begin.
  • Sweating increases in a pregnant woman. She constantly thinks that the room is hot. The feeling of standing heat is especially annoying at night. The reason for this is the acceleration of metabolism by 20%. The amount of blood constantly moving through the vessels and generating heat is increased.
  • Mom's limbs continue to swell. The legs are especially swollen in the evening, before going to bed. This phenomenon is also explained by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body. In principle, swelling of the hands and feet is normal and does not require medical intervention. If the swelling is too large, the doctor will recommend drinking a diuretic herbal decoction. Do not just self-medicate so as not to harm the baby.
  • During the described period, a woman has white vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea. It is harmless as long as they do not emit an unpleasant odor. In case of odor or watery discharge, see your gynecologist. This phenomenon can be explained by the leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Mild pains in the back and abdomen also begin at this time. They are associated with increased stress on the spine and muscles with increasing weight of the child. The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth. This is expressed in its painless hardening and subsequent relaxation. The mother's body trains to endure contractions.

  • At 7 months, the uterus is many times larger in volume than its usual size, that is, before pregnancy. It compresses the internal organs - presses on the lungs, digestive organs, bladder. Therefore, the woman has difficulty breathing, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, she is tormented by diarrhea or constipation and distention of intestinal gases. The pregnant woman's belly swells up, after eating, heartburn appears. It is better to endure all these troubles without the use of medications. Dill water will help against gas expansion. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it at home from fresh dill. Boiled milk will help with heartburn. There are herbal preparations for diarrhea and constipation. What exactly is better to drink and how to prepare them, the doctor will advise.
  • Sometimes during this period a woman is susceptible to late toxicosis. This is a reason to consult a specialist, because as a result, the child may not gain the necessary weight.
  • If the seventh month of pregnancy falls in the spring, the pregnant woman may lack vitamins. At this time, there is sometimes anemia. In such cases, it is necessary to drink vitamins and iron-containing preparations, which the doctor prescribes. Vitamins will also help with hair loss, which some pregnant women are prone to.

The seventh month of pregnancy means a breakdown in strength and mood for a woman. Firstly, she is afraid of the upcoming birth, the pains accompanying them, and possible complications.

Secondly, the inconveniences listed above tire and irritate the woman. The inability to sit and lie down in a position that is comfortable for oneself, the inability to put on or take off the shoes, and the inability to do housework in the second half of pregnancy spoil the mood of the expectant mother. The closest people should come to the rescue. The husband and mother will have to take over the homework. And a pregnant woman should reassure herself that most of the difficult path has been left behind.

To less worry about childbirth, try to find a clinic with a good reputation and a doctor you can trust even before planning a pregnancy.

Meals for 7 months

For the normal well-being of the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is still necessary to formulate the diet so that the food contains all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for the mother and child. Exclude from the menu:

  • Fatty meals.
  • Fried foods.
  • Hot spices in dishes and by themselves.
  • Acidic foods.
  • Canned vegetables, fish, mushrooms.
  • Smoked sausages, chicken, sausages.
  • Salty foods.
  • Sweet foods.
  • Soda water, especially sweet water.
  • Coffee and strong tea.
  • Semi-finished products of any type.
  • Confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • If you really want to eat a piece of cake, ice cream or candy, most likely, it will not do much harm from one time. But you shouldn't abuse such products.

Of course, it is difficult to cram bland food into yourself. You can add a little salt or sweeten the food, but it is better to do this not in a saucepan, but already in a plate.

The menu of a pregnant woman must include:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Meat.
  • A fish.
  • Porridge.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese and cheese are especially important.
  • Fruit drinks, home-squeezed juices and compotes.

You need to cook the second courses either steamed or in the oven. You can stew meat and vegetables in a saucepan on the stove.

Adequate nutrition will benefit your baby and you. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

You need to buy natural products, cook them at home in order to know what a particular dish consists of. .


Naturally, a pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking alcohol a few months before conception. This axiom does not change at the 7th month of pregnancy. But this is not the only advice from doctors. To feel better, mom is recommended:

  1. Walks in the open air. It is a good idea to bring a folding chair with you to rest if the woman feels tired. Having a good time at the dacha, but pregnant women cannot do gardening work. And it's too late to go to the sea. It is not known how the woman will endure the flight - whether she will have contractions.

  2. Go to bed no later than 10 pm. Since it is difficult to get comfortable in bed and fall asleep when your belly is large and your sleep time decreases, it is helpful to get yourself an afternoon nap.
  3. If a woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, it is not at all necessary to lie for days. You can do simple household chores or devote time to your hobbies.
  4. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes special exercises for mothers, which will help them with childbirth in the future. It is visited 2-3 times a week.
  5. If the clinic or shop is nearby, take your time to walk there.
  6. As for the nervous system, the mother's condition still affects the baby. The problem of peace in the family is becoming important. And what is happening outside the walls of a woman's apartment should not be taken to heart.

Since the behavior of a woman at the 7th month of pregnancy should be aimed at preserving the health of the baby and at normalizing the course of the gestation process, the following is useful:

  1. It is recommended to limit contact with people who can infect mommy with an infectious disease. To do this, it is worth cutting back on trips on public transport, going to the cinema, to the theater, and to big shops. You need to go to the gynecologist only on the days when pregnant women are being admitted. If a woman has to undergo tests, do an ultrasound scan and stand in line, it is necessary to put on a medical bandage.

  2. Since pregnant women are haunted by a lack of calcium, and in this regard, teeth may suffer, take care of them with double care - rinse your mouth with mouthwash purchased from a pharmacy after each meal. Use toothpicks.
  3. When you have to do household chores, you don't have to bend over. And it’s difficult when a big belly gets in the way. If a woman wants to pick up an object that has fallen to the floor, it is necessary to bring and put a folding chair next to it, and only while sitting on it, raise it. Only as a last resort, you can sit down and take what you need.

As for intimate life with her husband - if there is no threat of miscarriage, sex is not prohibited. Babies react differently to the closeness of their parents. Someone increases their physical activity after mom's orgasm, someone calms down and falls asleep. In both cases, this is a normal reaction and there is no reason to worry. If some women have contraindications for having sex during pregnancy (a short cervix or its partial disclosure), then an experienced doctor will definitely warn his patient about the prohibition.

If the pregnant woman has read all the recommendations in advance and follows them, the expectation of the child will pass calmly, without unforeseen problems. In the case when the expectant mother has any pathologies, the doctor will advise more frequent examinations and, possibly, some kind of treatment.

Do not watch nasty programs, including news, on TV and drama films. Try to please yourself with funny books and pleasant music.


Twice a month, a woman should see a doctor leading a pregnancy. He will measure her weight, blood pressure, abdomen, see if there are any swelling in her arms and legs. The specialist will also listen to the baby's heartbeat. If the doctor suspects a fetal cardiac abnormality, an additional CT scan (cardiotocography) is prescribed.

Before an appointment with a doctor, you must pass a urine test. The gynecologist will give directions for this analysis every time you visit, so that next time there will be fresh results. If a pregnant woman has kidney problems, she will also be asked to have a urine test for bacteriuria. If sugar is elevated, they will give a referral for a biochemical blood test.

If a placenta previa is suspected, an additional ultrasound is prescribed. If a woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen and in the back, bloody discharge, this may mean the onset of premature birth. In this case, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, and if a pregnant woman is expecting a second child, call an ambulance, since the second and all subsequent births are much faster than the first.

The seventh month of gestation marks the beginning of the third trimester. By this time, many women, thanks to ultrasound, know for sure that they will soon have a boy or girl. Having learned the gender of the child, parents begin a very important lesson - choosing a name. Sometimes disagreements are indispensable here, but it happens that future mothers and fathers unanimously settle on one name they like.

The beginning of the third trimester is a period when a woman can relax and rest a little, because screening, tests, visits to specialists are behind, and ahead is the long-awaited maternity leave, when you can enjoy all the delights of pregnancy. It is best to plan your vacation well in advance. However, now more and more women, if their health allows them, prefer to continue working up to 37-38 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to observe a gentle work regime. It is possible to shorten the working day or take more breaks for rest or small snacks. With sedentary work, you need to take five-minute walks every hour, since a sedentary image negatively affects the intrauterine development of the baby.

The seventh month of pregnancy is often referred to as "nesting" time. A pregnant woman has a desire to bring comfort in the house, prepare a nursery for a newborn, choose and buy a dowry for him. Many are beginning to get involved in needlework. Someone sews pillows or a blanket for the baby, others knit booties or all kinds of hats, or you can make beautiful embroidery with children's themes on bedding. Needlework is a very useful activity for expectant mothers, which allows you to forget about everyday worries and worries for a while, talk to your child or listen to his movements.

At the beginning of the third trimester, pregnant women should also carefully monitor their well-being, control blood pressure, if problems arise with this, eat right, take daily walks in the fresh air and sleep at least eight hours a day.

Six months have passed since conception, and the child from a small embryo has turned into a little man, with fully formed organs and reproductive system. Now his main task is to gain weight and ripen all vital functions - cardiovascular and respiratory. The lungs of babies open only by the ninth month of pregnancy. Therefore, in case of premature birth, seven-month-old babies are placed in an incubator, where the optimum temperature is maintained, and are on artificial lung ventilation.

According to data in our country, thanks to the competent actions of neonatologists, modern medical technology, as well as drugs that contribute to the rapid maturation of the lungs in newborns, premature babies survive in 90% of cases.

The baby's movements are becoming more and more sensitive, and this is not surprising, because now he is rapidly gaining weight. And first of all, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which after birth will help him maintain a comfortable body temperature. From the third trimester, it is necessary to observe the movements of the child, since they can signal the mother about the beginning of possible problems. Usually, the baby actively pushes and kicks for a long time, in the event of the onset of hypoxia, that is, insufficient air. Also, strong movements are observed in women who are a lot nervous and worried. The worry is instantly transmitted to the baby, so try to stay calm under all circumstances. In both cases, it is imperative to tell the observing doctor about the active movement of the fetus.

The seventh month is a period of active intrauterine development of the child.

He needs vitamins and minerals, primarily iron, calcium and phosphorus. They are necessary to strengthen the skeleton. The fetal heartbeat is being heard better and better. Parents-to-be may even hear it on their own using a stethoscope or a special apparatus. An interesting observation: the gender of the baby can be determined by the heart rate. Boys tend to have fewer beats per minute than girls.

The child already perfectly hears the sounds of the surrounding world.

He is soothed and soothed by his mother's heartbeat. He already knows how to recognize voices. Therefore, talk to your baby more often, tell him what you see around, read books, sing songs or listen to your favorite music together. It is scientifically proven that newborn babies often stop crying as soon as they hear their mother's voice.

By the end of the seventh month, the average weight of the baby is about 1500 g, and the height reaches 40 cm. Gradually, the primary hairline, which is scientifically called lanugo, disappears from the skin. Hair may already appear on the child's head, but newborns may also be completely bald. If in the seventh month you go for an ultrasound scan, then during the waking period of the baby you can see how he smiles or frowns.

The state of health of the expectant mother usually remains the same as before. Impending labor may be troubling. Especially primiparous are worried about this. By the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman can normally gain 9-10 kg. The abdomen is noticeably enlarged. They can occur, especially as a result of a sudden weight gain, stretch marks or otherwise stretching. To prevent their appearance, you should start using special cosmetics that help to maintain and maintain the elasticity of the skin.

At this time, many women notice discharge from the breast. Do not worry, because this is colostrum - the first milk, closer to yellow in color, very thick and fatty. This again suggests that the body of the expectant mother is preparing for the birth of a child and his natural feeding.

Many pregnant women complain of stuffiness and excessive sweating. It is very troublesome, especially during a night's sleep. This is also considered the norm, since the metabolism in a woman's body is accelerated by almost 20%, and the heart has almost double the load of pumping blood. At the beginning of the third trimester, there may be problems with swelling of the upper and lower extremities. They are usually clearly visible in the evening. The main reason for their occurrence is fluid retention in the body. Usually, in order to eliminate edema, it is necessary to refuse to add salt to dishes, and also to exclude spicy, smoked, various canned foods and pickles from your menu. In any case, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about the appearance of edema, and he will already prescribe an effective method of treatment.

Vaginal discharge

Another cause for concern is vaginal discharge. Expectant mothers are very anxious about their appearance. It should be said that if the discharge is transparent or white, odorless and not accompanied by itching, then they are considered the norm. It is worth worrying if the amount of discharge has increased sharply, it has become more watery. Perhaps, in this case, we are talking about the appearance of a crack in the amniotic fluid and leakage of water. To exclude this possibility, you need to urgently contact the antenatal clinic, and if this is not possible, then call an ambulance.

Back pain

Back pain is an indispensable companion for a woman carrying a child. During pregnancy, the spine is under tremendous stress. To help the muscles, it is necessary, as soon as the belly begins to appear, to wear a bandage designed specifically for pregnant women. Any orthopedic salon will help you to find it. In addition to this, from time to time there may be sensations as if the stomach is turning to stone. It goes away after a short period. If such contractions are not accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, then they are called training. From the name it is clear that such contractions are intended to prepare the uterus for childbirth.

The discomfort

Due to the rapidly growing uterus, the internal organs are displaced, which can cause a feeling of discomfort. Often women complain that it is difficult for them to breathe. In this case, it is necessary to choose the optimal posture in the supine position, which will be the most comfortable. Usually, this is lying on the left side. Unpleasant sensations can be associated with the intestines. Constipation is the most common problem. Before resorting to medical treatment, try to eliminate this problem by including more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and dairy products in your daily menu. Also, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Memory impairment and general fatigue

Many pregnant women in the third trimester complain of memory impairment, and also observe some distraction. The explanation for this is in the accumulated fatigue, constant stress and worry about your health and the health of your baby. At such moments, it is necessary to remember that in just three months you will pick up a newborn baby. Let the anticipation of a happy meeting with your baby help you overcome fatigue.

Diet recommendations remain the same as in previous months. It is necessary to carefully compose a daily menu, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as all the necessary nutrients, must be present in the right amount. You should avoid frequent visits to catering establishments, and prepare meals at home and only from quality products.

Familiar and delicious products

It is worth giving up may be tasty, but not healthy products: smoked meats, hot spices, fried foods and dishes with high fat content. If extremities are swollen, reduce salt intake to 5 mg per day. From drinks, give preference to pure water, as well as berry fruit drinks, which enrich the body with vitamins and have a slight diuretic effect.

For a satisfactory intrauterine development of the child, eat the following foods: lean meats, which are a source of protein and amino acids, sea fish rich in vitamin D3 and Omega acids, by-products, and first of all, liver, cereals, rye bread and dairy products, among which preference should be given to cottage cheese and cheese - sources of calcium. It is necessary not only for the baby for the correct formation of the skeleton, but also for the mother herself to prevent the destruction of tooth enamel, hair loss and brittle nails.

More meals in smaller portions

Meals should be divided into five to six times: three main and two or three snacks. For breakfast, it is preferable to cook porridge, omelet or casserole, for lunch, meat soup and vegetables, but for dinner you can make steamed poultry or fish with a garnish of vegetables. For snacks, forget about sandwiches, especially sausage. Replace them with fruits, cottage cheese or yogurt, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts.

Is intimacy possible in the last stages of pregnancy? This is a question that women often ask their doctor. Usually, if there are no contraindications, then sexual relations are permissible. However, if a pregnant woman has a slight dilatation of the cervix or it is shortened, then sex is prohibited for her. Also, intimate relationships between spouses are not recommended if one of them has untreated genital infections.

Pregnant women often refuse sex for fear that intercourse may harm the baby. This is exactly what you shouldn't worry about. Most babies respond positively to their mom's orgasms. Some begin to actively stir and kick, while others fall asleep. In any case, this is a normal reaction.

If in the first two trimesters it was necessary to visit the antenatal clinic in the normal course of pregnancy once every three weeks, then starting from the third trimester, visits to the doctor will become more frequent: once every two weeks. Traditionally, at the reception, the gynecologist will assess the condition of the pregnant woman, weight gain, measure the pressure, as well as the height of the fundus of the uterus, and listen to the baby's heartbeat.

Seventh month of pregnancy tests list:

Regular research

  • measurement of weight and blood pressure;
  • urine analysis for sugar and protein content is usually taken 2 days before a scheduled doctor's visit;
  • examination of hands and feet for the appearance of edema, legs - to identify varicose veins;
  • fetal heart control (listening with a stethoscope);
  • determining the size of the uterus on the basis of an external examination and comparing it with the size characteristic of a given gestational age;
  • measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus;

Special analyzes and studies

  • doppleromy - a type of ultrasound (with the risk of fetal heart disease)
    women who have developed pyelonephritis of pregnancy must be sure to take a urine test for bacteriuria (the presence of a large number of microbes);
  • cardiotocography (CTG) - assessment of the condition of the fetus - with the risk of fetal heart disease - at 28-32 weeks.

Before each appointment, it is imperative to pass a general urinalysis in advance, which can indicate the occurrence of a number of kidney problems or the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, which must be treated before childbirth. If a woman has health problems, then additional tests may be prescribed in the seventh month of pregnancy: bacteria, cologram, complete blood count, etc.

CTG - measurement of the baby's heartbeat

Before each appointment, the pregnant woman undergoes CTG - a measurement of the baby's heartbeat, which allows you to assess his general condition, and also helps to identify the incipient hypoxia. If indicated, an ultrasound examination can be performed. Usually it is prescribed in the case when there are defects and pathologies in the development of the fetus, problems with the placenta or umbilical cord, incorrect position of the fetus. Also, in the event of a threat of premature birth.

Seek medical help immediately if:

Immediate seeking medical help is required when real contractions occur, which are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower back, tone of the uterus, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. A particular danger is the appearance of bloody discharge or the outpouring of amniotic fluid. In any case, you can't put off calling an ambulance for a minute. Remember that now there are many medicines that can stop preterm labor at the initial stage, and preservation therapy even helps to bring the baby to the due date.

In the case when it is impossible to stop the contractions, and the cervical dilatation is complete, you should also know that the chances of surviving a seven-month-old baby are quite high, subject to competent care and professional supervision of him.

This period is called the "nest period". Buying clothes for a newborn, choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery - how many interesting worries you have to worry about! It is good that now you no longer need to waste time on work, "because this is the month when the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is issued.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother at the 7th month of pregnancy

The bottom of the uterus (its upper part) this month is at a height of 28-32 cm above the bosom. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is determined 2-3 cm above the navel, and by the end of the seventh month it is located in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process. The internal organs move up and, together with the uterus, tighten the diaphragm, thereby constraining the free movement of the lungs. Shortness of breath appears, aggravated by physical exertion, painful sensations arise in the hypochondrium due to the pressure of the uterus.

The dark line crossing the belly from top to bottom becomes more noticeable. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a disruption in the synthesis of two most important components of the skin - proteins-polymers of collagen and elastin. These substances give the skin the quality of rubber - elasticity, contractility and elasticity. With their lack, the skin begins to thin, especially in places subject to the greatest stretching, which, in turn, leads to intradermal tears. The body quickly restores the lost integrity by "covering up the gaps" with connective tissue, as a result striae (stretch marks) appear on the skin surface. They have the appearance of reddish stripes, sometimes slightly rising above the surface of the skin, appear on the mammary glands, lateral surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. There are no effective ways to prevent or cure stretch marks yet. The likelihood of their occurrence increases if the fetus is large, if the pregnant woman is rapidly gaining mass, or if there is polyhydramnios. Lotions or creams made specifically for pregnant women may have some effect. These products contain vitamins A and E, as well as substances that improve blood circulation and moisturize the skin. Their use is well combined with a simple massage: you should stroke the abdomen in a circular motion and pinch the skin along the periphery of the abdomen. However, if there is a threat of interruption, such massage is contraindicated, because may increase the tone of the uterus.

Colostrum, the precursor of milk, may begin to form in the breast. This is the liquid that will be the first food of the baby, who has just been born.

In the last three months, you will gain about 300-400 g per week, By the end of the seventh month, the total weight gain will reach 7-11 kg, depending on the woman's initial weight: the less the weight was before pregnancy, the more the expectant mother can gain in weight ...

An unborn child at 7 months of pregnancy

The baby takes up almost all the space in the uterus, the size of his head is already more or less proportional to the size of his body. During this month he will grow up a lot, and by the end of the month his "height" will be 40-41 cm, and his weight - 1.6-1.7 kg.

Due to the growth of subcutaneous fatty tissue, the skin becomes not red, but pink. The baby has already grown eyebrows and eyelashes, hair is growing. The cartilages of the nose and ears are soft and the nails do not reach the end of the toes and hands.

The size of the brain increases, nerve cells begin to function actively, protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers, and the structure of the cerebral cortex is improved. A seven-month-old is painful, learner-able, and responds in much the same way as a full-term baby. For example, when pressing on the abdomen, it begins to move, and from a strong noise, it jumps up.If the sound is repeated, then the fetus gradually reduces the motor reaction, and then completely stops moving, and in response to other sounds, movements can be observed again.

At this age, the fetus is able to distinguish very subtle shades of taste due to the fact that there are more taste buds on the tongue than there will be at birth. The pupil membrane disappears from the eyes, they open and close.

Now the baby uses the whole range of senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch.

The baby begins to regulate his own temperature, and his bone marrow is fully responsible for producing red blood cells by replenishing the blood vessels. Your blood never mixes with the baby's blood; they are separated by a very thin septum - the placental barrier through which water, nutrients and waste products are exchanged - at a rate of 10 ml per second. The fetus begins to exercise its lungs by rhythmically lifting the chest, which sometimes causes amniotic fluid to enter the airways, causing hiccups.

The child is energetic and very active at times. Growth continues with less and less room for movement, so by 28 weeks the baby will be in the final birthing position (usually head down). This position is called cephalic presentation by obstetricians. Although some fetuses allow themselves free movement until much later - up to the 40th week, and approximately 3-4% of babies will remain in the breech or breech presentation until the end of pregnancy.

Feelings of the expectant mother at the 7th month of pregnancy

You have put on weight and become quite clumsy. Back pain is common in late pregnancy. They are caused by an increased level of the hormone relaxin, which relaxes all the ligaments and muscles, preparing them for childbirth. Relaxin has a variety of effects. By weakening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, it changes the gait of a pregnant woman, because of this, you can waddle like a duck. Relaxing the muscular wall of the veins, it leads to an increase in their varicose veins, the muscles of the esophagus - to the appearance of heartburn, and the muscles of the bladder - to the appearance of urinary incontinence. To avoid back pain, it is important to monitor your posture. Some happy women may not feel any discomfort, but this does not mean that their bodies are not preparing for the birth of a child. It all depends on various factors, including heredity and level of physical fitness.

You often wake up at night. You may have very vivid dreams about childbirth or a baby. Dreaming is usually caused by an uncomfortable sleeping position or baby's movements,

The husband can feel with his hand and even see the movements of the child. The motor activity of the fetus becomes more organized and constant. If there are fewer movements than usual, that is, their number has changed dramatically in comparison with the previous days, you should consult a doctor. At this time, the baby's jerks can be very painful. To relieve this pain, you can lie on your side.

Psychology of the seventh month

Possible deviations from the norm - 7 months of pregnancy

The diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation is very frightening for expectant mothers. This means that the fetus in the womb lags behind in growth and weight. We draw your attention to the fact that the diagnosis "delay" refers to the growth and weight of the baby and does not mean a mandatory delay in the development of his brain. If the estimated weight of the child is 10% lower than the norm established for a given gestational age (i.e. it is more than 2 weeks behind the period), then there is cause for concern, treatment is necessary. The reasons for intrauterine growth retardation may be:

  • genetically determined low weight and height of the child if he has short parents;
  • anemia and small weight gain in the mother;
  • smoking (the more cigarettes you smoke, the worse your baby grows and develops);
  • maternal diseases, in particular heart defects, arterial hypertension, thyroid and kidney pathology;
  • late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • fetal malformations;
  • abnormalities of the placenta and umbilical cord vessels;
  • taking a pregnant woman of a large number of different medications or unfavorable ecology;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • living of a pregnant woman in the highlands.

Fetal growth retardation is diagnosed using ultrasound. Abnormalities are also recognized by measuring the uterus at regular intervals and finding that it has not changed. For the treatment of intrauterine growth retardation, many medicines are used that provide a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, for example, ACTOVEGIN, KURANTIL, TRENTAL, INSTENON, multivitamins. You may be prescribed bed rest to increase blood flow to the placenta. Good nutrition with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is of great importance for improving the condition of the fetus.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, each time the doctor will not only listen to the baby's heart, but also determine its position with his hands, It can be longitudinal, transverse or oblique, Normal is the longitudinal position of the fetus. Depending on what is closer to the bosom: the head of the child or the buttocks - there is also a head and breech presentation.

If, during the examination, the doctor establishes a pelvic position, then in the absence of contraindications, he recommends gymnastics, which contributes to turning the child "on the head". In order not to interfere with the rotation, you should not wear a bandage with a breech presentation. You can also use special exercises. Usually, in response to this "gymnastics", the child begins to move rather actively. If at the next examination the doctor establishes a cephalic presentation, feel free to put on a bandage to secure it.

The seventh month of pregnancy is a critical period in which pregnant women with a large number of risk factors for miscarriage can begin premature birth. If you have such a chance, then try to refrain from sexual intercourse, monitor your weight, eat optimally, stop working, stay away from people with colds, Follow your doctor's instructions, do not take any medication without prescribing it. You may need to stay in the hospital to maintain your pregnancy. Signs of the onset of premature labor are:

  • pain that resembles menstrual periods;
  • soreness or a feeling of tightness in the pelvis that extends to the lower back and thighs;
  • changes in the nature of the discharge, especially if it is watery or bloody (the appearance of a thick plug of mucus may precede the appearance of blood).

Necessary medical measures at 7 months of pregnancy

From now on, you need to visit your doctor once a day of the week. This month, many tests and examinations will have to be repeated by specialists. A general analysis of blood, urine, repeated examination for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, consultation of a therapist and an ophthalmologist is mandatory.

Your doctor may also order a blood sugar test, a biochemistry test, and a blood clotting test.

Pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and 0 (1) blood group are tested for antibodies. This test should indicate whether there is a risk of an immunological reaction between your blood and the baby's blood. This reaction can cause problems with subsequent pregnancies and the health of the newborn.

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, one of the leading methods for assessing the condition of the fetus is recording a cardiotocogram (CTG). Devices for recording CTG automatically count the fetal heart rate and record it on a graph in the form of a curve. In addition to the heart rate, they also register fetal movements and the strength of uterine contractions, which is also reflected in the graph. The recording is carried out within 20-40 minutes. By studying the change in the fetal heart rate depending on its movements or uterine activity, the doctor may assume the presence of oxygen deficiency or other diseases in the fetus. Such a study is prescribed once after the 28th week. From 30 weeks of pregnancy, all working pregnant women are issued a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth with a duration of 140 calendar days (70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth). The exception is women who are carrying two or more children: they are issued sick leave at 28 weeks for a period of 180 days. If you have been observed in this antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks, then along with the certificate of incapacity for work, you will be given a birth certificate. If the observation period in this antenatal clinic is less than 12 weeks, then you will receive a birth certificate later (when this criterion is met), since this document is issued only if you are observed during pregnancy for more than 12 weeks.

What do you need to get a generic certificate?

To obtain a generic certificate, you must present the following documents:

  • passport or other document certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (for working women).

Rules of conduct for the 7th month of pregnancy

As you gain weight, your movements become slower and more awkward. Due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of your body is constantly shifting, so now it is very important to monitor your posture when walking or sitting. Exercise regularly, walk more often, swim, wear shoes only with low and stable heels. Do not walk for very long, use every opportunity to rest your legs: the legs should rest above the level of the heart. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. Remember to use the toilet as often as possible. Now it is very difficult to control the degree of filling of the bladder, because it is quite strongly compressed by the uterus, so the first urge to urinate often requires immediate action. Do not wait until you feel like using the toilet, go there "prophylactically".

Household affairs at 7 months of pregnancy

Is it worth doing any repairs at all during pregnancy? The issue is very controversial, but if you want to renovate the apartment for the arrival of a new resident, then do not postpone.Almost all the preparations for the birth of a baby must be, if not finished, then they will decide to start: this month. Now you still have the strength to walk through the children's shops. If you are not prone to superstition, do not delay shopping, the remaining three months is very, very little.

Now is the time to think about whether you are ready for childbirth. You can talk about it with a doctor or read special literature, but the most effective, according to the unanimous opinion of doctors and expectant mothers, is attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. It is better to enroll in a preparation group for childbirth now, so that by the time of childbirth you have already had time to listen to the weight course. Such courses can be taken in your antenatal clinic or at a vending hospital. In addition, there are many centers for parents-to-be. You can choose the group that suits you best. When choosing a group for preparing for childbirth, use the recommendation of your girlfriends who gave birth, discuss the choice with the doctor: he probably has his own opinion about each nearby center. Many classes can be attended with the future dad, especially if he wants to be present at childbirth.

In the classroom at the school for expectant mothers, the doctor or midwives will tell you about the course of childbirth, what procedures await you, what is required of you at any given moment of childbirth. You will be shown techniques for pain relief during childbirth, teach you how to breathe correctly, and help you cope with your natural fear of childbirth. In the group, you will meet other pregnant women, learn that the difficulties you face and the fears that arise in you are inherent in a lot.

Having attended such a school, you will be ready for the upcoming very important event in your life, you will have more knowledge, and therefore confidence in the successful outcome of childbirth.

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