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Thin hair. Hair structure and structure - what every girl should know Different hair thickness along the entire length

Hair is a keratinized formation of the skin. The person has three types of hair:

a) cannon, covering the skin of the trunk and limbs;

In contact with

b) long, growing on the head, beard, etc .;

c) bristly - eyebrows, eyelashes.

Hair density and thickness

Thin hair is most often of light colors, while dark hair is much thicker. Red hair is usually the thickest.

Hair color and shape

  • Human hair color depends on the content of pigment, air bubbles, fat in them and can take on all shades from black (a lot of pigment) to silvery white (complete absence of pigment).

Some researchers distinguish over fifty shades of hair color. We have, apart from gray hair, there are eight more colors: black, dark chestnut, chestnut, dark brown-haired, brown-haired, light brown-haired, light brown, ashy.

a) Mongoloid group - thick, coarse hair, found in three varieties: hard thick; straight, thinner; slightly wavy.

b) Caucasoid group - hair is less thick, often curly, also has three varieties: curly; strongly curly; curly.

c) Negroid group - curly hair, subdivided into curly; strongly curly; like peppercorns.

Some features of the hair, typical of representatives of the Negroid or Mongoloid group, can be found among Europeans, even if racial mixing is not noted.

  • Straight or slightly wavy hair has a round section, curly oval.
  • Other distinctive properties of hair are: full length, degree of adherence to the head, frequency of occurrence of graying.

Hair structure, life cycle

Hair is constantly renewed: old ones die off and fall out, and new ones, when they are nascent, grow. Hair lifespan ranges from 2 to 4 years.

Approximately 30-50 hairs fall out per day, and new ones appear instead. Hair grows about 0.5 mm per day, 1.5 cm per month or 15-20 cm per year. Cutting off the hair or burning the ends does not affect the growth rate.

  • Hair roots are located in hair follicles called follicles. The follicles also contain the ducts of the sebaceous glands, therefore the names are often found: sebaceous-hair organ or sebaceous-hair follicle.

Hair structure

  • The part of the hair located above the surface of the epidermis is called its shaft. The root ends with an extension called a bulb.
  • The bulb bifurcates and covers a part of the connective tissue of the skin itself, which forms the so-called hair papilla, to which blood vessels and nerve endings fit. The hair follicle is the site of hair growth, as it receives the nutrients necessary for the multiplication of cells, which are constantly pushed to the surface, where they become horny and turn into a hair shaft.

In the cross-section of the hair under the microscope, three main layers are clearly distinguished: the outer, cortical and core.

Hair layers

1. The outer layer, or cuticle, which has a scaly structure, is an outer shell of keratinized scales, each previous layer of which partially covers the next (if counted from the root), like fish scales. This layer serves to protect the inner layers from external influences.

2. The cortical layer (bark) lies directly under the cuticle and consists of keratinized fusiform cells. The mechanical strength of the hair is determined mainly by the cortical substance, the cells of which contain the pigment melanin, which gives the hair a different color depending on the amount and degree of dispersion.

3. The core consists of cells of various structures with a keratin-like substance. This layer contains air bubbles. Too thin hair the border between the cortical layer and the core is not observed, although it can be found in the hair cut at the root. In vellus hair, it is absent at all.

The structure of the hair shaft - video with a trichologist:

Hair chemistry

The main constituents of hair are keratin and pigment. In addition, human hair contains a certain amount of fatty substance and cholesterol (4-8%), as well as mineral compounds, including iron compounds, which in dark hair there is more than light. The hair also contains a small amount of arsenic and about 3% sulfur, which is part of keratin.

Hair, like the stratum corneum of the epidermis, consists of flattened keratinized cells, devoid of a nucleus and tightly adjacent to each other. Keratinization consists in the formation of a special protein (keratin), characterized by a high content of sulfur and nitrogen.

Like every protein, keratin is composed of amino acids, the content and composition of which can vary. The most important and characteristic amino acid is cystine, the amount of which reaches 17%. It is very rich in sulfur.

Keratin fibers are formed from parallel chains of particles located along the axis of the fibers. Due to the appropriate connection of the chains, keratin is a very elastic and dense protein. Substrates at elevated temperatures or high concentrations have a detrimental effect on keratin.

Strong alkalis, even at low temperatures and at low concentrations, decompose keratin. Acids can gradually decompose keratin only at high concentrations and elevated temperatures.

Hair color

Hair color depends on the presence of pigment, on the type in which it appears, as well as on its amount and location. The pigment in hair and skin is called melanin.

Melanin is a protein containing 8-13% nitrogen, 1-10% sulfur, a significant amount of oxygen and very little iron and arsenic. It does not dissolve in water, only in alkalis and concentrated acids. The color imparted by melanin disappears under the action of oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, etc.

  • In the hair follicle, the pigment is located in the cells of the germ layer, which are then converted into cortical cells.
  • There is so much pigment in dark hair that it can cover the entire cell, shading its contours.
  • The pigment is contained in the cortex of the hair in a scattered and granular state. Scattered pigment in a small amount gives a yellow color, and in a large amount a reddish color.

Granular pigment appears in the form of small grains and gives a color from reddish brown to intense black. On the hair cut, the granular pigment stands out significantly against the background of the scattered pigment. These two types of pigment are found in hair in different proportions, and hair color is highly dependent on their relationship.

Changes in pigment content can occur in diseases or from hair discoloration due to oxidation of melanin.

The decolorizing (oxidizing) agents act on the granular pigment, reducing its amount during the bleaching process.

The grainy pigment turns into scattered pigment, giving the hair a yellowish or reddish color depending on the amount of scattered pigment present in the hair prior to bleaching. This explains the particular difficulty in bleaching red hair.

Too much bleaching can lead to a noticeable reduction in scattered pigment and hair breakdown.

Physical properties of hair

The physical properties of hair include strength, elasticity, water absorption and electrical conductivity. Hair is very durable and highly resistant to mechanical, biological and chemical influences.

  • Resistance to mechanical stress is expressed in the fact that it is impossible, for example, to flatten the hair by hitting it with a hammer, and a relatively large force is required to break.
  • Hair different people can withstand a load of 50 to 160 g. These values ​​vary greatly with age, since the keratin chains in the elderly exhibit less cohesion, which leads to a decrease in the hair's resistance to stress and stretching.

Hair lengthens due to stretching, especially if it is saturated with water, for example in a humid atmosphere. The shape of the hair can change under the influence of moisture, but this is always a reversible phenomenon. Rolling dry hair around a rigid axis (for example, on curlers) causes them to be incomplete and fragile. The curl is more durable if the hair is wet.

  • Resistance to biological influences is the significant resistance of the hair to decay.
  • Hair has flexibility and elasticity: it lengthens when stretched and returns to its original state when the tensile force is removed. These properties are especially noticeable on wet hair. Dry hair increases length when stretched by 20-30%, and wetted with cold water - up to 100%.

Effects of chemicals on hair

Chemical resistance is as follows: hair is completely immune to the action of acidic substances, which sometimes can even increase their resistance to other factors, but they react poorly to the action of alkalis and oxidizing agents.

Bases and alkalis more affect the structure, strength of the hair and can, to a certain extent, change its shape. The decrease in the strength of the hair under the influence of alkalis depends on the nature and concentration of the latter.

For example, a 5% solution of ammonia causes relatively little damage, and a 20% solution is very noticeable. A 20% solution of ammonium carbonate leads to the dissolution of the hair (irreversible changes occur in the rod).

Alkalis enhance the hair's ability to absorb water. At the same time, the hair can increase its volume by 2-3 times. If at the same time the hair is stretched and curled, then the effect of alkali can lead to an irreversible change in shape. Hence the possibility of permanent curling.

Consequently, the action of the alkali is facilitated by the porosity of the hair and its ability to absorb water. Bleached hair, as more porous, requires the use of much weaker formulations for permanent curling with a lower concentration of alkaline agents.

Oxidizing (clarifying) agents can cause more or less changes. Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, the hair becomes thinner, so it is sometimes used to remove vellus hair from the skin.

Used too often and at high concentrations, bleaches tend to make the hair less elastic, more porous and brittle, and difficult to dry.

When curling bleached hair for a long time, very weak formulations and a significantly lower temperature than usual are used.

Effect of water and oil on hair

Human hair has the ability to absorb water and water vapor, as well as glycerin, animal and vegetable fats. Substances such as mineral oils, petroleum derivatives (liquid paraffin and petroleum jelly) cannot penetrate into the hair and remain on its surface.

These properties of the hair determine the type of fat to be used for the various treatments and hair care products, as well as the manner in which they are used.

  • The action of steam or boiling water, alkaline agents and reducing agents causes the chemical transformation of keratin by breaking with the help of hydrolysis bonds such as salt and cystine bridges, resulting in new bonds that fix the new shape of the hair.

The kind of bonds depends on whether they were formed under the action of only chemical agents (the principle of permanent cold curling) or with the joint action of alkaline agents, high temperature and moisture (the principle of hot permanent curling).

  • If the hydrolysis goes too far, then keratin is damaged and the chains inside the particle are broken. In addition, each fat that impregnates the fibers is saponified with alkaline agents and forms a kind of soap, which is removed during rinsing, while the surface of the hair loses its smoothness, and its cylindrical shape becomes oval.

If the hair is discolored before hot permanent curling and some of the hydrogen peroxide solution remains inside it during curling, the high temperature can cause further oxidation, further damaging the hair.

  • Hair is evenly lubricated with fat - a product of the secretion of the cells of the sebaceous glands, due to which it prevents breakage and drying out.

The secretion of sebum is regulated in the human body by hormones, the nervous system, vitamins and other factors. It is inhibited by the action of vitamins B and especially vitamin H. Effect nervous system the secretion of sebum in humans is very difficult and, naturally, is not considered here.

We are interested in the other side of the matter. Fat forms a kind of membrane all over the skin called lipid, or fatty membrane. The presence of lipids (fat-like bodies) on the surface of the skin protects it mainly from the action of water-soluble substances and drugs with an alkaline property.

The reaction of the lipid membrane is acidic, so it is able to neutralize the alkaline action of various substances. This is especially important in connection with the need to protect keratin, which is extremely poorly tolerated by alkaline influences.

  • The fatty membrane is easily washed off during shampooing and is renewed after a while, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. It is this ability of the lipid membrane to renew itself and the speed with which it occurs that determines the reaction of hair to many drugs used in hairdressing salons (formulations for permanent curling, hair oxidizers and dyes). This is especially important for people with weak hair and sensitive skin.

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

Hair is one of the main adornments of a woman. Long, thick, shiny - these are the ones that attract everyone's attention. However, many ladies forget that the beauty of their hair also depends on the thickness of the hair. Indeed, what diameter should be healthy curls, and how to measure it? Are there ways to make your hair thicker? Let's try to understand these issues.

Hair thickness can be classified into:

  • thin - diameter less than 50 microns (0.05 mm);
  • normal or medium - diameter in the range of 50-70 microns;
  • thick - more than 70 microns in diameter.

In this case, one person in different parts of the head can have hairs of different thickness, for example, in the temporal zones they are usually thinner than on the back of the head. Often, long strands are also thinned closer to the ends.

How is hair thickness measured?

To determine the thickness, a special device is used - a micrometer. Measurements are taken in several places: on the crown, on the sides, in the back of the head and bangs. The strands at this time should be dry, clean, and free from styling residues. A similar characteristic of the condition of the hair is needed, for example, when carrying out dyeing, when it is necessary to accurately calculate the volume of dyes to achieve the desired shade of hair.

It is possible to make similar measurements at home. For this procedure, you do not need to torture your hair and pull it out; you just need to inspect your brush or pillow. We collect several hairs (the number depends on their length) and carefully wrap them around a pencil so that the turns fit snugly against each other. Need to wind 0.5-1 cm wide. Then we count the number of turns made and divide by this number the width (that is, 0.5-1 cm), the result will show the thickness of the hairs with a slight error.

Human hair and its structure

The condition, beauty and thickness of the curls directly depends on their structure and structure. Each hair, like a tree, has a root and a shaft (trunk). The visible part, that is, the rod, is a dead substance that has no nerve endings, muscle fibers and is not supplied with blood.

However, the root, which is deep in the dermis, is made up of living cells and ends in a hair follicle. This part is surrounded by a special bag - a hair follicle. Sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels, nerve endings and muscles that lift hair are suitable for it. Every person, being born, has a certain number such hair follicles, and it cannot be changed in any way.

According to international studies, hair thickness is also predetermined by heredity. A special gene has been identified - the protein receptor ectodislazin A, which is responsible for this characteristic. Thus, it turns out that the thickness of the hairs is laid even at the moment of follicle origin.

Hair shaft and thickness

If you examine a human hair in section with a microscope, you will clearly see three layers:

  1. The cuticle is the very first layer on the outside;
  2. Cortex is the second layer;
  3. Medulla is the inner layer.

The cortex should normally occupy about 80-90% of the total diameter, while thin hair has a poorly developed middle layer. It is the cortex that gives the strands elasticity and flexibility, and also contains melanin, which is responsible for the color of the hair. In addition, this part contains keratin - a special protein that gives the curls strength.

The chemical composition of normal hair looks like this:

  • protein (keratin) - 78%;
  • water - 15%;
  • linids - 6%;
  • pigment - 1%.

If the strands are exposed to some kind of influence or have diseases, then their composition also changes. As a result, they can become thinner, for example, with frequent dyeing or perm.

What else determines the thickness of the hairs?

In addition to genetics, hair thickness is also determined by a person's age, race, natural shade of hair and several other factors.

  1. The thinnest strands in newborns (20-40 microns), with age, their diameter increases and in an adult it reaches a value of 50-100 microns, and then decreases again with aging to 50-70 microns.
  2. The thickest and toughest hairs grow on the heads of Asians, followed by Africans, their curls are 30% thinner, Europeans have the thinnest hair (2 times thinner than the peoples of East Asia).
  3. Blondes have the thinnest hairs (about 0.05 mm in diameter), followed by brunettes and brown-haired women (about 0.07 mm thick), and red hairs have the thickest curls (hair diameter up to 0.1 mm).
  4. Women's curls are 2 times thinner than men's, the effect of a luxurious, lush hair for women is created not due to the thickness of the hairs, but due to their length and density.
  5. The diameter of the hairs also depends on the condition of the scalp - the thinner the dermis, the smaller the thickness of the strands.
  6. Often, the problem of thinning hair accompanies women who have just given birth, this is due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen and the process of lactation, during which the body loses many minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.

As mentioned above, the thickness and diameter of the hairs are genetically predetermined. Is it possible to somehow change this characteristic? It turns out that there are several tricks and techniques that can help hairs get thicker and tighter. All methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, some of them allow you to achieve a short-term effect, others are aimed at a long-term result.

Lamination procedure

Hair lamination is called professional procedure, which is performed in the salon and allows you to achieve a noticeable cosmetic effect on thinned and brittle strands.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. The hair is treated with a special composition in the form of an enriched balm;
  2. Under the influence of high temperatures, its elements penetrate into the cuticle of the strands;
  3. As a result, it turns out that the core of each hair remains enveloped in an invisible film, which performs protective functions and thickens the curls.

The positive effect can persist on the hair for 3 months, then you will have to re-lamination.

Silicone based cosmetics

There are many cosmetics designed to increase the thickness of the curls. Most of them have silicone compounds in their composition, due to which a glossy film is formed on the strands. The effect is similar to that of lamination.

But, unfortunately, silicone is not at all useful for the hair, an excellent result lasts only until the first shampooing. Removing from the hair, this substance takes with it natural keratin, thereby damaging the structure of the strands and leaving voids in it. In addition, silicone is able to accumulate over time, worsening the condition of the hair.

Home masks

You can also achieve a good effect of increasing the thickness of the strands with the help of home procedures. With correct and regular use of masks, it will turn out to significantly improve the condition and appearance curls.

  1. Gelatin mask - gives an effect similar to professional lamination. Dissolve 3 g of gelatin powder in a glass of warm water. After it swells, we put everything in a water bath and bring the composition to a uniform consistency. Add a couple of drops of your usual hair balm to the resulting product, stir. Thoroughly saturate wet hair with the composition, wait 40 minutes and wash off everything with a suitable shampoo. To obtain a lasting effect, you need to perform the procedure at least 2 times a week.
  2. A composition based on colorless Iranian henna - such henna activates hair growth, strengthens hair follicles, awakens dormant bulbs, and makes the rods of the strands stronger and thicker. Dilute 1-2 sachets of henna powder with warm water (40-50 degrees) to make a homogeneous gruel. We evenly distribute the mask over the hair to the very ends and wait for its final drying, covering our head with cellophane and a towel. We remove the composition with water and shampoo.

A few more ways to make curls thicker

  1. Eat a balanced diet with adequate amounts of protein, calcium, iron and vitamins.
  2. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of using thermal devices and the amount of styling products that negatively affect the condition of the hair.
  3. Regular self-massage of the scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicles and improves their nutrition.
  4. Correctly selected means for washing and caring for her hair will have a beneficial effect on her health.
  5. Regular trimming of the ends is an excellent prevention of thinning hair.

Thick hair has the largest hair diameter. This is the strongest and most resistant hair, however, these bands provide significant resistance to any effect, including chemical. Therefore, usually the exposure time of cosmetic preparations on this type of hair is taken longer. Thick hair tends to be more difficult to bleach, color and curl than fine to medium hair.

Medium hair is the most common group. It is accepted as the standard with which all other types of hair structure are compared. It is also worth noting that usually hair of medium thickness does not pose any particular problems with dyeing and other chemical procedures.

Thin hairs have the smallest diameter, which makes them very sensitive to any influences (thermal, chemical, mechanical). But at the same time they easily stain, branch off and change shape.

The distribution of pigment in hair depends on its structure. Melanin granules in thin hair are located more densely, so they change color faster and faster instead of natural pigment is artificial. However, the hair may appear darker than hair with a normal structure. Hair of medium thickness has an average reaction to coloring. Thick hair, on the other hand, takes on color very poorly and lightens for a long time, and when dyed similar to hair with a normal structure, it can give colors lighter than expected.

Method for determining hair structure

The hair structure is determined on dry strands. Individual strands are selected on different areas of the head. Hold the strand with one hand and, with a large and forefinger the other hand along the strand, feel the thickness of the hair. Usually this skill comes with practice.

The structure (thickness) of the hair is not related to the shape of the hair, so curly hair can be either thin or thick hair.

Below are some general examples of different hair structures based on natural hair color or type. It should be noted, however, that this is only a general description and can be used to assist in determining hair structure and not as a substitute for a hair structure test:

  • Gray-haired: Thick, often described as coarse and wiry hair.
  • Red-red: medium hair, examples were natural red-haired people.
  • Blondes: Thin hair, this structure is most common in natural blondes.
  • African Americans: Usually thick and not elastic natural hair.
  • Asians: often thick and sleek hair, sometimes color-resistant.
  • Hispanics: Thick hair with a dark natural color.

The number of hairs on the head in an area of ​​1 sq. cm (hair density) varies depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, race, hair thickness, localization.

The average number of hairs on a person's head is:

Blondes have 140 - 150 thousand pieces;
- for brown-haired people - 110 thousand pieces;
- for brunettes - 100 thousand pieces;
- for redheads - 50 - 80 thousand pieces.

Hair density is not the same on different parts of the head. On the parietal part, the hair is thicker (250-350 pcs. Per 1 sq. Cm), and on the back of the head and on the temples - more rare (150-250 pcs. Per 1 sq. Cm).

It's no secret that human hair falls out and grows back throughout life. Every day we lose from 30 to 100 hairs - this is absolutely normal and almost imperceptible. Normally, these losses are replenished, but in case of pathological loss, self-healing does not occur.

Hair is better preserved on the back of the head and on the sides of the head because blood flows to these areas more actively. In addition, these areas contain thin layers of fat and muscle that prevent blood vessels from constricting. The temples, forehead and crown of the head contain a fairly thin layer of fat and lack muscle fibers. As a result of stress or tension, the skin tightens sharply, which leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, and therefore the blood begins to flow poorly to the papillae, which in turn can lead to baldness.

Scientists have proven that the most lush hair grows back by the age of 30. From 30 to 50 years, the amount of hair decreases sharply, after which it may remain unchanged.

Other characteristics of hair are length, thickness, strength, elasticity and porosity.

Hair length

Hair length (uncut) primarily depends on belonging to a particular ethnic group: the representatives of the Mongoloid (Asian) ethnic group have the most long hair, in representatives of the Negroid (Negro) - the shortest. Europeans have average hair length.

In one day, if you count the total increase in hair length, a person's hair increases by about 30 m. In the morning and in the evening, hair grows faster than during the rest of the day. At night, hair grows very slowly or does not grow at all. The longest hair grows between the ages of 13 and 17, and then with each successive hair change, it gets shorter and thinner.

Hair thickness and stiffness

Hair can be thick, medium-thick and thin, also subdivided into very coarse, medium-hard and soft. Most often, the thickness of the hair also depends on ethnicity, on the age of the person and on their color. The Asian ethnic group has the thickest and coarsest hair.

Hair thickness changes with the age of a person. In an adult, hair is about 2-3 times thicker than that of a newborn; by old age, the hair becomes thinner again.

Depending on the color, the thickest hair is for redheads, thinner for brunettes, even thinner for brown-haired people and the thinnest for blondes. In addition, hair is thinner at the temples than at the back of the head.

Strength and elasticity of hair

All hair has considerable strength and breaks when a fairly heavy weight is applied. So, for example, an adult's hair can withstand an average weight of up to 50 g. Straight hair is more durable, curly hair less. This property of hair changes with age, first increasing, and then, with age, decreasing.

Human hair is stronger than lead, zinc, aluminum, platinum, copper and is second only to iron, steel and bronze. With a thickness of 0.05 mm, it can withstand a load of up to 100 g. A female braid, consisting of 200 thousand hairs, can hold a load of up to 20 tons.

Hair elasticity is its ability to straighten or shrink without breaking. Elasticity depends on the thickness of the middle layer of the hair (the thicker it is, the more elastic and stronger the hair), as well as the condition of the hair. Healthy hair is so elastic that in a dry state it can stretch 20-30% of its length and then quickly return to its original state, while wetted in cold water- even up to 100%.

Hair is hydrophilic: it absorbs water or water vapor, and if it has been stretched in this state, it returns to its original length and thickness as it dries. Hair elasticity undergoes significant changes if its shape has been subjected to changes in heat. The new shape of the hair in such cases, due to the long-term loss of elasticity, persists for a long time; the principle of hot curling is based on this.

If your hair has low elasticity, then most likely it needs moisturizing.

Hair porosity

Hair porosity is characterized by its ability to absorb moisture. Healthy hair can retain moisture up to 50% of its weight, while increasing in diameter by 20%.

Hair shape

The shape of the hair is hereditary and depends on the shape and location of the bulb in the thickness of the skin, on ethnicity, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person. There are three types of hair shape: smooth (straight), wavy, curly.

Smooth hair can be tight and flat-wavy; wavy - wide-wavy, narrow-wavy and curly; curly - curly, slightly curly, strongly curly, weakly coiled, strongly coiled.

Straight and slightly curly hair the cross section is round, in curly ones - oval.

There are several procedures that allow you to achieve both a cosmetic increase in hair thickness and a real one. It should be noted that each has its own pros and cons. Cosmetic methods are effective for achieving quick but short-term results. A more serious effect promises systematic care aimed at increasing hair thickness during the growth stage.
First of all, the professional will allow you to achieve an impressive effect. This procedure is specially designed for women with thin and brittle hair... A special composition is applied to the hair, which is an enriched balm, which, under the influence of high temperature, literally melts the hair cuticle. As a result, the trunk of each hair is enveloped in a thinnest film, which simultaneously protects the hair structure and increases its volume. The effect of hair lamination lasts from 1 to 3 months, after which the procedure must be repeated.
A gelatin mask allows you to achieve a similar effect. To prepare the composition, you will need food gelatin and a small amount of balm. Dissolve 3 g of gelatin in a glass of water at room temperature. When the gelatin swells, it must be heated in a water bath and brought to a homogeneous state. Then add a few drops of balm and apply to damp hair. The composition must be kept on the hair for at least 40 minutes, then rinsed mild shampoo... The effect of a gelatin mask is similar to professional lamination, however, to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated much more often - 2 times a month.
Iranian henna will allow you to achieve a more permanent effect, which, unlike other means, allows you to increase the thickness of the hair at the growth stage. Penetrating into the structure of the hair follicle, henna awakens dormant hairs, making them thicker and stronger. It should be noted that at the same time, the hair becomes much darker, which is clearly visible even when using colorless henna.
In addition, we should not forget that the medical industry does not forget about the problem of hair thickness, and more and more products appear on the shelves of pharmacies and specialty stores that promise to turn a braid of fine hair into a shock no worse than that of the average Indian woman. Of course, not all of the marketing promises printed on colorful shampoos and conditioners are true. Most of these products contain active silicone compounds, which really, after the very first application, allow you to feel a glossy film on the hair. This is achieved through the action of silicone, which envelops the hair structure and occupies the voids under the open scales. However, the silicone rinses off the hair quickly, leaving the hair damaged.
Often, an increase in hair thickness is an additional result of the effects of products aimed at strengthening the hair follicles. Due to the active ingredient composition, which activates the hair growth process, an increase in the diameter of the hair is achieved.

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